
Preiskave trajnih prednapetih pramenskih geotehničnih sider različnih zasnov veznega dela : doktorska disertacija
ID Klemenc, Iztok (Author), ID Logar, Janko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Turk, Goran (Comentor)

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MD5: 4BE13B3709C57EE24713DE4AC20F7167
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/188a86d7-0a8e-4a53-9ff1-b1408e7e7d0d

Osrednji namen disertacije je priprava v praksi izvedljive tehnološke zasnove trajnih prednapetih pramenskih geotehničnih sider s skupnim zaščitnim polietilenskim ovojem z različnimi izvedbami veznih delov: sider z veznimi deli s povečano togostjo veznega dela (RCP/D-K), večkratnih sider z zamaknjenimi veznimi deli podsider, zasnovanimi na ideji sidra SBMA Barleya, le da se vsa podsidra nahajajo v skupnem polietilenskem ovoju (RCP/D-Z) in sider spremenljive togosti veznega dela po patentu Škrabla (RCP/D-I). V disertaciji podajamo opise preskušanj, ki smo jih opravili na testnem polju opornega zidu OZ-05, kot tudi analizo rezultatov obnašanja modificiranih tipov sider pri preiskavah sider, ki smo jih primerjali z obnašanjem referenčnih sider RCP/D. Zasnovali in izdelali smo računalniško orodje odprte zasnove za sprotno vrednotenje parametrov obnašanja sider pri preiskavah sider, ki omogoča analizo obnašanja sidra kot celote, podsider in posameznih pramen sidra, kot tudi možnost izločanja posameznih porušenih pramen sidra. Za vsako sidro smo po štirih različnih metodah določili merodajne intervalne mere lezenja k_int. S povprečenjem izvlečkov vseh pramen sidra smo določili odpornosti sidra kot celote na izvlek R_a, ki smo jo primerjali z vsoto odpornosti na izvlek posameznih pramen sidra. Zahteve veljavnih predpisov za določanje skupne karakteristične odpornosti na izvlek sider objekta R_ak niso jasno opredeljene, zato smo vrednosti R_ak določili po različnih pristopih; pri dveh pristopih smo z uporabo statističnih metod izkoristili razpoložljive pretekle podatke številnih preiskav sider, opravljenih v zadnjem desetletju. Na podlagi preiskav sider smo za sidra opornega zidu OZ-05 določili dopustno mero lezenja za sidra objekta k_adm, a smo ugotovili, da v praksi k_int sider objekta niso vedno manjše od k_adm. Z analizo rezultatov preiskav štirih objektov iz prakse smo poiskali razloge za takšno obnašanje sider. Za ugotovitev razlogov za visoke vrednosti mer lezenja pri nizkih stopnjah sile preiskav sider smo izvedli dva tipa laboratorijskih preskusov: opravili smo raziskave vpliva ekscentrične lege obročastega dinamometra (glede na os kabla sidra) na izmerjene sile, kot tudi raziskave vpliva izotermne relaksacije na obnašanje pramena. V obeh primerih smo preskušanja opravili po postopku za preiskave prednapetih sider, zato smo lahko rezultate laboratorijskih preskušanj direktno primerjali z rezultati preiskav sider. V zaključku disertacije podajamo usmeritve za učinkovito izvedbo modificiranih tipov trajnih prednapetih pramenskih sider kot tudi predloge za izvedbo in analizo rezultatov preiskav sider v praksi, s katerimi lahko premostimo vrzeli in nejasnosti v veljavni evropski regulativi glede izvedbe in vrednotenja preiskav sider prednapetih pramenskih sider.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, disertacije, trajna geotehnična sidra, prednapeta geotehnična sidra, večkratna sidra, sidra spremenljive togosti, preiskava sidra, odpornost na izvlek, preskušanja in-situ, laboratorijske preiskave, relaksacija, ekscentričnost dinamometra
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Klemenc]
Number of pages:XVIII, 211 str., [152] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32549 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5475937 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Investigation tests of permanent prestressed strand ground anchors with varios designs of tendon bond length
A preparation of a practically feasible technological design of permanent prestressed strand ground anchors with a different concept of bond lengths, contained within joint polyethylene cover, is the main idea of this thesis. Anchors with increased stiffness of bond length (RCP/D-K), multiple anchors with staggered anchor units based on Barlay's anchors SBMA, only that all anchor units are placed within common polyethylene cover (RCP/D-Z) and anchors with variable stiffness of bond lengths after the patent of Škrabl (RCP/D-I) have been used. In the thesis description of testings, performed on the testing field of the retaining wall OZ-05, as well as descriptions of results of behaviour analysis of modified anchor types at investigation tests are given and compared with the behaviour of original RCP/D anchors. The software tool of open design for simultaneous evaluation of anchors' behaviour parameters at investigation tests has been prepared, whereat analysis of the whole anchor, anchor units as well as individual strands is feasible. The separation of pulled individual strand of an anchor is also possible. For each anchor competent interval creep displacement rates k_int were determined after four different methods. The pull-out resistance R_a of the anchor as a whole has been evaluated with averaging of displacements of all strands, and compared with the sum of pull-out resistances of individual strands of the anchor. Requirements for the definition of the common characteristic pull-out resistance of the productional anchor R_ak are not evidently defined in the valid regulation. Therefore different approaches has been used for the determination of R_ak values, whereat statistical methods and available historical data of numerous investigation tests, performed in the last decade, have been used. Admissible creep displacement rate k_adm for the retaining wall OZ-05 production anchors has been defined on the basis of the investigation tests. However, values of k_int for production anchors in practice are not always smaller than k_adm . With the anaylsis of investigation tests results of four anchored structures, carried out in practice, reasons for such behaviour of anchors has been found out. By means of the two types of laboratory testings reasons for high values of creep displacement rates at low force levels of investigation tests has been found out. Investigations of eccentric positions of ring load cell as for anchor tendon on measured forces, as well as investigations of the influence of isothermal relaxation on the behaviour of a strand, have been performed. In both cases of testings the procedure of an investigation test of prestressed ground anchors has been used. For this reason the results of laboratory testings can be directly compared with the results of investigation tests. Guidelines for effective realization of modified types of permanent prestressed strand anchors as well as the proposals for the performance and analysis of investigation tests are suggested in the conclusion of this thesis. This guidelines could be used for filling up gaps and vagueness of valid European regulation regarding execution and evaluation of investigation tests of prestressed strand anchors.

Keywords:civil engineering, doctoral thesis, permanent ground anchors, prestressed ground anchors, single bore multiple anchors, anchors of variable stiffness, investigation test, pull-out resistance, in-situ testings, laboratory testings, relaxation, load cell eccentricity

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