
Zagotavljanje horizontalne togosti s pomočjo trapezne pločevine pri enoetažnih jeklenih objektih : magistrsko delo
ID Jovanovski, Marko (Author), ID Korelc, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Može, Primož (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo obravnava problem zagotavljanja horizontalne togosti pri enoetažnih jeklenih objektih. V prvem delu je nanizanih nekaj statičnih sistemov, ki zajemajo omenjeno problematiko. Nato se podrobneje usmerimo na zagotavljanje horizontalne togosti z uporabo jeklene trapezne pločevine. Le-ta prevzema horizontalne in vertikalne obremenitve, poleg tega pa je konstrukcija pri takem sistemu hkrati tudi pokrita. Opisana sta dva tipična primera. Prvi opisuje trapezno pločevino pritrjeno na primarne nosilce, drugi pa na sekundarne nosilce. Nato prikažemo glavne detajle, saj so ti merodajni pri kriteriju določanja nosilnosti diafragme. V drugem delu je obravnavana enoetažna jeklena konstrukcija, ki je prekrita z jekleno trapezno pločevino. Konstrukcija je sestavljena iz 10 jeklenih okvirjev, tlorisnih dimenzij 20 x 45 m. Prikazani so postopki dimenzioniranja, ki jih podaja publikacija ECCS (ECCS, 1995) in avtor T. Höglund (Höglund, 2002). Obravnavali smo tudi dodatne obtežbe zaradi možnosti bočne zvrnitve primarnih nosilcev, izračunali pa smo jih s pomočjo publikacije ECCS in avtorja L. Sokol-a. Dimenzionirali smo tudi pritrdilna sredstva in obravnavali interakcijo med okvirji in trapezno pločevino. Pri dimenzioniranju smo želeli doseči majhno maso konstrukcije.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, trapezna pločevina, diafragma, stabilnost okvirjev, enoetažna jeklena konstrukcija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Jovanovski]
Number of pages:XI, 111 str., 1 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32518 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6968673 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Stressed Skin Design of single storey steel buildings
Master`s thesis addresses problem of stressed skin design of one storey steel buildings. The first part deals with different structural systems, where stressed skin design is used to provide the horizontal stiffness. The stiffness is provided by the profiled sheeting that is the main structural element in the roof structure. There are two cases described. The first one, where the profile sheeting is fastened to the rafter and second one, where the sheeting is fastened to the purlins. Further on, the details are described that are relevant for diaphragm bearing capacity. The second part deals with an example of single storey steel building, where the stressed skin design is performed. The plan of the building is 20 by 45 meters. Ten frames are placed in the short direction. The stressed skin design is described according to publication ECCS (ECCS, 1995) and according to Höglund (Höglund, 2002). The profiled sheeting was also used as the support to prevent lateral buckling of the rafters. The design of fasteners and the interaction between main frames and profiled sheeting is presented. The objective was to achieve low weight of the structure.

Keywords:civil engineering, master of science thesis, corrugated steel sheet, diaphragm action, frame stability, one-story steel building

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