
Analiza parametrov trajnostnega razvoja na izbranem objektu : diplomska naloga
ID Umek, Aljoša (Author), ID Košir, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Dovjak, Mateja (Comentor)

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MD5: AFF7E65896DEA731F7A705556E0F6A55
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/22f1f636-fca5-4a69-8814-01ad4216b49d

V diplomski nalogi je bila narejena analiza trajnostnih parametrov na izobraževalnem objektu. V nalogi smo pregledali zakonodajo, zakonske okvirje in strateške dokumente, ki se nanašajo na trajnostno gradnjo. Prav tako je bil narejen kratek povzetek vpliva gradbeništva na okolje, kaj sploh je trajnostna gradnja in zakaj je to izziv in hkrati rešitev sodobne družbe. Na to temo poznamo veliko izrazov in definicij kot so trajnosten, trajnostni razvoj, trajnostna gradnja, sustainable development in podobno, vendar pravilna definicija ni splošno v veljavi. Za analizo trajnostnih parametrov na obravnavanem objektu je uporabljena metoda Dovjak in Krainer (2013), ki temelji na štirih vidikih: ekonomskem, okolijskem, socialnem in zdravstvenem, ki morajo biti medsebojno uravnoteženi. Ta metoda je nadgrajena v četrtem koraku, ki zajema končno oceno in fazo alternativnih rešitev. To metodo smo preizkusili na osnovni šoli dr. Mihajla Rostoharja. Zaradi pomankanja podatkov, smo se pri tem omejili le na mikro raven in sicer na nivo konstrukcijskih sklopov. Na tem nivoju smo naredili analizo konstrukcijskih sklopov glede toplotne prehodnosti, difuzije vodne pare ter analizo zdravju in okolju škodljivih materialov. Pri analizi toplotne prehodnosti in difuzije vodne pare smo si pomagali s programom TEDI. Za določitev vpliva vgrajenih materialov na zdravje in okolje smo si pomagali s strokovnimi članki. Na podlagi analiz smo ugotovili, da obstoječi konstrukcijski sklopi v večini ne izpolnjujejo zahtev, ki jih določa uporabljena metoda na mikro ravni. Tako lahko trdimo da parametri trajnostne gradnje na obravnavanem izobraževalnem objektu niso izpolnjene. V primeru predlaganih rešitev konstrukcijskih sklopov smo izpolnili vse zahteve določene na mikro ravni. Na podlagi tega lahko trdimo, da bi bile zahteve trajnostne gradnje izpolnjene s predlagano obnovo zgradbe.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, UNI, B-GR, trajnostni razvoj, zdravstveni vidik, okoljski vidik, toplotna prehodnost, difuzija vodne pare, difuzija vodne pare
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Umek]
Number of pages:XII, 52 str., 2 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32407 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6821217 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the parameters of sustainable development in the selected facility
The goal of this thesis was to analyze parameters of sustainable construction of educational facility. In the thesis we have examined the legislation, legal frameworks and strategic documents relating to sustainable construction. We have also made a brief summary of the impact of construction on the environment, what sustainable construction is, and why it is a challenge and at the same time the solution of contemporary society. On this subject we know a lot of terms and definitions such as sustainability, sustainable development, sustainable construction and such, but the correct term is not commonly recognized. For the analysis parameters of sustainable construction in the present facility, the Dovnjak in Kraner method (2013) was used, which is based on four aspects: economic, environmental, social and health care, which must be balanced with each other. This method is upgraded in fourth step, which includes final evaluation and phase of alternative solutions. This method was tested on Primary school Dr. Mihajlo Rostohar. Due to lack of data we restricted ourselves only to the micro level and the level of construction assemblies. At this level, we have made an analysis of construction assemblies regarding thermal conductivity, vapour diffusion and analysis of materials detrimental to health and environment. In the analysis of thermal conductivity and vapour diffusion we have helped with TEDI program and to determine the impact of inbuilt materials on health and environment, we have helped ourselves with technical literature. Based on the analysis, we found that existing construction assemblies in the majority do not meet the requirements set by the method used at the micro level. Thus, we can say that the parameters of sustainable construction in the present education facility are not met. In the case of the solutions proposed construction assemblies we have met all the requirements set out at the micro level. On the basis of this we can claim that the requirements of sustainable construction would be met, with the proposed renovation of the building.

Keywords:sustainable development, the health aspect, environmental aspect, environmental aspect, thermal conductivity, vapor diffusion

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