
Optimizacija križišča na cesti R2 413 Zbilje-Vodice v km 2,350 v Valburgi : diplomska naloga
ID Krupenko, Peter (Author), ID Lipar, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rijavec, Robert (Comentor)

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MD5: 845E7F8FAE8B7CDA4D5843E44D01E401
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/bb0ed678-ecd2-4e36-9c96-5cc12cc12b96

V diplomski nalogi obravnavam križišče v naselju Smlednik pri Medvodah. Uvodoma predstavim obstoječe stanje križišča, njegovo lokacijo, probleme in vzroke za preureditev. Podam prometne obremenitve, pridobljene s štetjem in analizo rezultatov. V nadaljevanju predstavim možni rešitvi, ki razrešijo problematična področja obstoječega stanja križišča. V prvi varianti križišče preuredim v krožno križišče, medtem ko v drugi varianti križišče z uvedbo pasov za leve zavijalce na glavni prometni smeri preuredim v kanalizirano križišče. V vsaki rešitvi pojasnim, kako sem jo sprojektiral in katere tehnične elemente sem uporabil, ter svoje projektantske odločitve utemeljim. Za projektirane rešitve izvedem kontrolo prepustnosti, preglednosti in prevoznosti vozil. Pri vsaki od rešitev navedem še uporabljene elemente vertikalne in talne signalizacije. V zaključku predstavljeni rešitvi ovrednotim in podam mnenje o ustreznejši izmed njih.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, UNI, B-GR, prometna obremenitev, štetje prometa, krožno križišče, kanalizirano križišče, prepustnost, preglednost, traktrisa
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:P. Krupenko
Number of pages:X, 36 str., 16 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32402 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6772577 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of intersection on R2 413 Zbilje-Vodice road at km 2,350 in Valburga
My thesis covers the existing intersection on the main road R2 413 Zbilje-Vodice in the Valburga settlement near Medvode. Initially I describe the current state of the intersection, its location, problematic issues of the current state and reasons for a reconstruction. Secondly, I present the traffic loads, acquired by the means of a traffic count and analysis of its results. The third chapter covers the rearrangement of the intersection into a roundabout, with special emphasis on theoretical insight into roundabouts, the spatial insertion of the roundabout into the existing intersection, defining the technical elements of the roundabout, conducting permeability control as well as tractrix and visibility control. Then I present a second option of reconstruction where I add special lanes for left turning vehicles. As with the roundabout I equip this reconstruction also with a theoretical insight, background of technical element definition, permeability and tractrix control. Finally, I conclude my thesis by choosing the better of the two options.

Keywords:traffic load, traffic count, roundabout, channelized intersection, permeability, visibility, tractrix

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