
Optimizacija projekta na osnovi informacijskega modela stavbe 5D : diplomska naloga
ID Zabret, Rok (Author), ID Cerovšek, Tomo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/23ae4d1d-bb21-4f55-940c-58b951a82a19

V tujini vse več investitorjev zahteva uporabo BIM tehnologije pri izvedbi projektov. Kriza v gospodarstvu je tudi gradbeništvo prisililo k natančnejšim pristopom zasnove in izvedbe projekta, kjer imajo ključno vlogo zagotavljanje potreb uporabnikov, kakovost, stroški in trajanje izvedbe. V diplomskem delu sem kot primer rabe BIM tehnologije izdelal informacijski model enodružinske hiše. Gre za enostavno tri-etažno hišo s skupno neto površina 352 m2, od katerih je približno 100 m2 neizkoriščenega podstrešja. S pomočjo orodij BIM, sem izdelal 3D model zgradbe ter ga nadgradil z dodatnima dimenzijama časa (4D) in stroškovne ocene (5D). Parametrični model zgradbe sem izdelal v programu ArchiCAD, s katerim sem izdelal osnovni popis količin materiala ter vizualizacijo. S pomočjo izdelanega modela v ArchiCAD-u sem nato izdelal še terminski plan (4D) ter opravil modelno-lokacijsko optimizacijo projekta in stroškovno oceno (5D) v programu Vico Control. Pri izdelavi terminskega plana sem zgradbo razdelil na cone izvedbe in s prerazporejanjem dejavnosti in delovne sile optimiziral terminski plan. Terminski plan sem uporabil tudi za izdelavo simulacije virtualnega poteka gradnje s pomočjo dodatka »Construction Simulation«. S pomočjo programa CostX sem na koncu prikazal še nekatere dodatne izmere in tudi njim dodal stroškovno oceno.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, VSŠ-B, BIM, archiCAD, vico control, parametrični model 5D
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[R. Zabret]
Number of pages:X, 46 str., [4] . pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32377 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6771041 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Project optimization based on 5D BIM
Clients are incresingly demanding the use of BIM tehnology, which is becoming essential for successful complition of building project. The economical crises forced the Construction industry to a more precise design and construction methods in terms of end-user needs, quality, costs and duration. In the thesis, I demonstrate building project optimization for one-family house. Building has three stories, totaling to a 352m2, out of which approximately 100m2 are in the top floor. Using BIM tools I created a 3D building model, and upgraded it with additional dimension of time (4D) and cost estimation (5D). Parametric model of the building was created in ArchiCAD in which I also made a list of quantities of materials and visualization. Project scheduling and cost estimation was done in Vico Control. For the purposes of optimization of the project schedule, I divided the building into inividual zone that were used for flow-chart and related redeployment of tasks and labor activity. The virtual construction simulation was also created with »Construction Simulation«.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, BIM, ArchiCAD, vico control, parametric models 5D

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