
Vpliv osončenosti na energetski potencial stavbe in kvaliteto naravne osvetljenosti prostorov : magistrsko delo
ID Grašič, Milan (Author), ID Košir, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kristl, Živa (Comentor)

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MD5: E221251DAD4DDCD35FADE4B0783CB138
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4f12e232-2569-40b1-a339-20036e65911b

V magistrskem delu je obravnavan vpliv osončenosti na energetski potencial stavbe in kvaliteto naravne osvetljenosti prostorov. V prvem delu magistrskega dela je analiziranih in primerjanih šest različno zasnovanih stavb s podobno kvadraturo uporabnih in balkonskih površin. Na lokaciji Ljubljane je preučen vpliv geometrijske zasnove in orientacije stavb na osončenost in energetski potencial stavbnega ovoja. Pregledane so tudi zahteve slovenske zakonodaje glede osončenosti stavbnega ovoja. Izkaže se, da po osončenosti izstopata samo stavbi brez balkonskih površin, ki ustrezata tudi zahtevam slovenske zakonodaje. Nivoji osončenosti ostalih stavb so med seboj podobni, pri čemer ne ustrezajo zahtevam osončenosti po slovenski zakonodaji. Energetski potencial stavbnih ovojev je izračunan na celoletni ravni in v obdobju kurilne sezone v Ljubljani. Energetski potenciali stavbnih ovojev so med seboj primerjani in komentirani. Ugotovitve kažejo, da ima arhitekturno bolj razgibana stavba najmanjši relativni energetski potencial stavbnega ovoja. Velike razlike v energetskem potencialu stavbnega ovoja so bile prisotne tudi med bolj konvencionalno zasnovanimi stavbami. V drugem delu magistrskega dela je analizirana osvetljenost dveh stanovanj iz najbolj razgibane stavbe, ki naj bi bili na podlagi rezultatov osončenosti najbolje oziroma najslabše osvetljeno stanovanje v stavbi. Osvetljenost stanovanj je analizirana na delovni ravnini 0,85 m. Rezultati osvetljenosti obeh stanovanj so primerjani s predhodno določenimi vrednostmi osvetljenosti. Ugotovitve kažejo, da orientacija in lokacija stanovanja v stavbi zelo vplivata na dnevno osvetljenost prostorov.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, osončenost, geometrija in zasnova stavbnega ovoja, energetski potencial stavbnega ovoja, kurilna sezona, Ljubljana, dnevna osvetljenost notranjih prostorov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Grašič]
Number of pages:XII, 124 str., 1 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32357 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6795361 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of solar radiation on the energy potential of residential buildings and on the quality of daylight illuminance in interior spaces
In the master thesis, I analysed the impact of solar radiation on the energy potential of residential buildings and on the quality of daylight illuminance in interior spaces. In the first part of the thesis six different buildings that have a similar floor and balcony area were analysed and compared. The influence of geometric design and orientation of buildings on the insolation and energy potential of the building envelope in Ljubljana was studied. The Slovenian legislation requirements in regard to the insolation of the building envelope were examined. The results of the thesis showed that only two buildings met the requirements of the Slovenian legislation as for the insolation of the building envelope. Both of these two buildings do not have any balconies. The rest of the buildings have an interacting, similar insolation of the building envelope, however they do not meet the insolation requirements of the Slovenian legislation. The energy potential of building envelopes on an annual period and during the heating season in Ljubljana was calculated. The energy potential of different, interacting building envelopes other was also compared. I have found out that the more diverse building envelope has the lowest relative energy potential. Some differences in the energy potential of building envelopes amongst the more conventionally designed buildings were noted. In the second part of the thesis the illuminance of two apartments in the more diverse building was analysed. Based on the insolation results I assumed the chosen apartments are the best and worst daylit apartments in the building. The illumination levels on a horizontal working plane of 0.85 m was analysed and later the illumination results of the two apartments with the predefined illumination requirements were compared. The results showed that the orientation and location of the apartments in a building have a major impact on the illuminance levels.

Keywords:civil engineering, master of science thesis, insolation, geometric design of a building envelope, energy potential of a building envelope, heating season, Ljubljana, daylight illuminance in interior spaces

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