
Urejanje kmetijskih zemljišč ob gradnji avtoceste : magistrsko delo
ID Barkovič, Julijana (Author), ID Prosen, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6DD81518F1EDB0DF5D24A0A815F7B38F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/bf460922-3a47-4acd-b005-3916a83f3234

Magistrsko delo obravnava urejanje kmetijskih zemljišč, katerih funkcionalna učinkovitost, krajinska in ekološka pestrost ter zaznavna privlačnost so običajno razvrednotene zaradi načrtovanja in gradnje infrastrukturnih objektov, kot so avtoceste. Delo je sestavljeno iz dveh tematskih delov. V prvem delu smo se dela lotili teoretično in podrobneje predstavili razvoj podeželja v Sloveniji in v nekaterih evropskih državah (na Danskem, na Nizozemskem, na Finskem in v Švici) ter vpliv gradnje avtoceste na kmetijska zemljišča, kjer smo uporabili zgodovinsko, opisno in primerjalno metodo. Drugi del vsebuje predstavitev rezultatov pregleda zakonskih okvirov urejanja kmetijskih zemljišč v Sloveniji in v tujini, rezultatov analize urejanja kmetijskih zemljišč ob gradnji avtoceste po posameznih vidikih in rezultatov ankete. Podan je nabor negativnih vplivov načrtovanja in gradnje avtoceste na kmetijska zemljišča z vidika celovitega urejanja kmetijskih zemljišč (s pravnega, funkcionalnega, ekološkega in estetskega). Po njih je narejena analiza ter kritična opredelitev njihovih negativnih posledic na kmetijski prostor. Postavili smo dve hipotezi: 1.) da gradnja velikih infrastrukturnih objektov in naprav, kot so avtoceste, prinaša številne negativne vplive v kmetijski prostor zaradi necelovitega urejanja kmetijskih zemljišč ter da je v celoviti pristop k urejanju kmetijskih zemljišč treba vključiti pravni, funkcionalni, ekološki in estetski vidik, in 2.) da če so kmetijska zemljišča urejena s pravnega, funkcionalnega, ekološkega in estetskega vidika, so po končani gradnji tudi lastniki pripravljeni v večji meri skrbeti za njihovo urejenost. Njuno pravilnost smo preverjali teoretsko in tudi empirično na primeru avtocestnega odseka Krška vas–Obrežje, in to na podlagi odgovorov, pridobljenih z anketno raziskavo. V sklepnem delu smo predlagali usmeritve za celovito in sočasno urejanje kmetijskega prostora ob gradnji avtoceste in drugih prostorskih ureditev državnega pomena s pravnega, funkcionalnega, ekološkega in estetskega vidika, ki bi prispevali k izboljšanju gospodarskega, okoljskega in socialnega stanja na podeželju. Izreden pomen pri tem ima tudi družbeni vidik, saj morajo lastniki kmetijskih zemljišč skrbeti tudi za njihovo urejenost.

Keywords:magistrska dela, kmetijska zemljišča, avtocesta, komasacija, celovito urejanje kmetijskih zemljišč, ekološki elementi, kmetijska krajina, pravni vidik, funkcionalni vidik, ekološki vidik, estetski vidik, družbeni vidik, javnost, Krška vas - Obrežje
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Barkovič]
Number of pages:XXII, 165 str., pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32313 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6438497 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Agricultural land planning during the motorway construction
The master thesis addresses agricultural land planning whose functional efficiency, landscape and ecological diversity, and perceived attractiveness are usually undermined, as a result of design and construction of infrastructure facilities, such as motorways. The work consists of two thematic sections. In the first, theoretical, part we discuss in detail the rural development of Slovenia and in selected European countries (i.e. Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland and Switzterland) and the effects of motorway construction to agricultural land; to this end, we used the historical, descriptive and comparative methods. The second part presents the review of the legislative framework of agricultural land planning in Slovenia and abroad; the results of the analysis of agricultural land planning during the motorway construction, focusing upon different aspects; and the results of the survey. A set of negative effects of motorway design and construction to agricultural land in terms of integrated agricultural land planning is given (i.e. legal, functional, ecological and aesthetic). This provided the basis for the analysis and critical delineation of their negative effects to agricultural areas. Two hypotheses were proposed: (1) the construction of major infrastructure facilities and installations, such as motorways, adversely affects rural areas, particularly due to non-integrated agricultural land development, i.e. the integrated development of agricultural land should include legal, functional, ecological and aesthetic aspects; and (2) if agricultural land is developed by considering the legal functional, ecological and aesthetic aspects, landowners are more willing to care for, and maintain, the land after the completion of construction. Their validity was tested both theoretically and empirically on the case of the Krška vas–Obrežje motorway section, i.e. based on the responses obtained in the survey. In the final section, we proposed the guidelines for an integrated and simultaneous development of agricultural land, along with motorway construction and other spatial developments of national significance, from legal, functional, ecological and aesthetic aspects, which would help to improve the economic, environmental and social situation in rural areas. In this context, the social aspect is of utmost importance, as the owners of agricultural land are, indeed, also responsible for the care and proper maintenance of the land.

Keywords:master of science thesis, agricultural land, motorway, land consolidation, integrated development of agricultural land, ecological elements, agricultural landscape, legal aspect, functional aspect, ecological aspect, aesthetic aspect, social aspect, the public, Krška vas - Obrežje

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