
Analiza in projektiranje prednapete prekladne konstrukcije železniškega mostu : diplomska naloga
ID Cej, Matija (Author), ID Bratina, Sebastjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 39FBF2465BFFA2273B8BF7F5994E93B1
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0931fb32-3653-4c03-8dd5-c7159d5a36fc

V diplomski nalogi analiziramo in projektiramo prekladno konstrukcijo železniškega mostu dolžine 55 m v Luki Koper. Obravnavana konstrukcija je zasnovana kot integralna konstrukcija preko štirih polj, temeljena na pilotih dolžine 50 m. Prekladno konstrukcijo obravnavamo kot sovprežni prerez štirih montažnih in nakladno prednapetih nosilcev ter naknadno zabetonirane plošče. Analizo konstrukcije opravimo na idealiziranem prostorskem računskem modelu, ki ga izdelamo v računalniškem programu Sofistik, kateri temelji na metodi končnih elementov. V modelu dodatno upoštevamo interakcijo konstrukcije s temeljnimi tlemi. Zajamemo jo z upoštevanjem ustreznih horizontalnih modulov reakcije tal. Poleg lastne teže, ostale stalne obtežbe in vpliva prednapetja, v analizi upoštevamo še vpliv vetra, temperaturne vplive, vpliv prometne obtežbe in vpliv diferenčnega posedanja podpor. Analizo prekladne konstrukcije izvedemo ločeno za fazo gradnje in ločeno v fazi uporabe. Pri tem upoštevamo tudi reologijo betona in jekla za prednapenjanje. Izvedemo vse potrebne kontrole za mejna stanja uporabnosti in mejna stanja nosilnosti. Na načrtih v prilogi prikažemo situacijo in posamezne prečne prereze konstrukcije ter armaturne načrte prekladne konstrukcije.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, UNI, projektiranje, Evrokod standardi, prednapetje, sovprežna konstrukcija, montažni nosilci, integralna konstrukcija, železniška obtežba, računski model
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Matija Cej
Number of pages:XIV, 130 str., 4 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32247 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6545505 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis and design of prestressed railway bridge deck
This thesis presents the design and static analysis of 55 m long railway bridge deck in Luka Koper. Analyzed construction is designed as four span integral concrete bridge with foundation consisting of 50 m long piles. Bridge deck is analyzed as composite cross section of four prefabricated post tensioned beams with in-situ concrete slab on them. For the analysis is made an idealized 3D mathematical model with Sofistik computer program based on finite element method. The interaction between soil and construction is also taken into account in the model with appropriate soil characteristics. In the analysis different effects were taken into consideration, such as permanent impact, impact of prestressing, wind, temperature, traffic and impact of differential settlement of supports. Analysis of bridge deck is carried out during construction and in phase of use where creep and shrinkage development is also taken into consideration. All the necessary checks are done for serviceability limit state and ultimate limit state. In the appendixes are represented the situations and characteristic sections of bridge along with reinforcement drawing of bridge deck.

Keywords:graduation thesis, design, Eurocode standards, prestressing, composite cross-section, prefabricated beams, integral construction, railway load, mathematical model

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