
Ocena potresne odpornosti stare upravne stavbe RŽS Idrija : diplomska naloga
ID Bizjak, Blaž (Author), ID Dolšek, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Snoj, Jure (Comentor)

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MD5: 5F1B703DD1D77A3504C9E9CCE10F04AE
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/891c7502-d866-41ad-8a80-50cfed8b0bb3

V diplomski nalogi je izdelana ocena potresne odpornosti stare upravne stavbe Rudnika živega srebra Idrija. V prvem delu naloge je predstavljeno obnašanje zidanih stavb med delovanjem potresa in opis tipičnih porušnih mehanizmov zidov. Sledi kratek opis določil standarda Evrokod 8-3, ki obravnava področje ocenjevanja obnašanja obstoječih stavb med potresi. Po korakih je opisana poenostavljena metoda N2, ki temelji na nelinearni statični analizi. Na koncu sledi še predstavitev programa 3Muri, ki smo ga uporabili za račun potisnih krivulj. V drugem delu naloge je sprva opisana upravna stavba, ki je zgrajena iz nepovezanih kamnitih in opečnih zidov. Zaradi nepoznavanja dejanske kvalitete obstoječih materialov smo za obe vrsti zidovja iz literature privzeli po tri nabore mehanskih lastnosti. Pripravili smo pet modelov z različnimi kombinacijami vrednosti mehanskih lastnosti opečnega in kamnitega zidovja, na podlagi katerih smo ocenili potresno odpornost konstrukcije. Na osnovi deterministične analize smo ugotovili, da stavba ni sposobna prenesti pričakovanega projektnega pospeška temeljnih tal ag = 0,23 g in tako ne izpolnjuje zahtev standarda Evrokod 8. Velika ranljivost konstrukcije je bila posledica zelo nizkih vrednosti strižnih trdnosti privzetih materialov, ki smo jih skladno s standardom Evrokodom 8-3 delili še s faktorjem zaupanja CF = 1,35. Različne kombinacije mehanskih lastnosti zidovja so povzročale različne oblike porušnih mehanizmov konstrukcije. Zaradi majhnih razlik med strižnimi trdnostmi privzetih materialov se potresne odpornosti posameznih modelov niso bistveno razlikovale. Vrednosti koeficientov potresne odpornosti SRCu so variirali med 0,09 in 0,12, kar se je dobro ujemalo z vrednostjo, ki je bila ocenjena v projektu POTROG (2013). Ocenjujemo, da so mejni pospeški tal za obravnavan objekt verjetno podcenjeni, kar je posledica varnostnih faktorjev, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati v primeru nepopolnega poznavanja konstrukcije.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, UNI, dipl., zidana stavba, nearmirano zidovje, mehanske lastnosti zidovja, potisna analiza, N2 metoda, program 3Muri, ocena potresne odpornosti
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Bizjak]
Number of pages:XVI, 80 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30902 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7010657 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Seismic Performance Assessment of the Former Administration Building of RŽS Idrija
In this thesis, the seismic performance assessment of the former administration building of RŽS Idrija is investigated. The first part of the thesis presents the behaviour of masonry buildings under seismic actions, and typical failure mechanisms of masonry walls, followed by the provisions of the Eurocode 8-3 standard, which deal with seismic assessment of existing buildings. Further on, the simplified N2 method based on non-linear static (pushover) analysis is introduced, followed by the presentation of 3Muri software. The second part of the thesis begins with a description of the administration building, which was build out of stone and brick masonry walls without adequate floor-to-wall connections. Not knowing the exact quality of the existing materials, three sets of mechanical properties for both types of masonry were obtained from the literature. The seismic performance assessment was based on five models of the structure each with different combination of mechanical properties of stone and brick masonry. The results of the deterministic analysis have shown that the building is incapable of withstanding the expected design ground acceleration ag = 0,23 g and does not meet the requirements of the Eurocode 8 standard. The great vulnerability of the structure is a consequence of very low shear strength values of the masonry, which were assessed from previous studies and, in accordance with Eurocode 8-3, divided by the confidence factor CF = 1,35. Different combinations of mechanical properties of masonry have lead to different types of failure mechanisms of the structure. Due to small differences between shear strength values of the materials the seismic resistance of our models did not differ significantly. The seismic shear coefficient SRCu was between 0,09 and 0,12 which complied with the coefficient estimated in the POTROG (2013) project. It is estimated that the limit-state peak ground acceleration is most likely underestimated, which is the consequence of safety factors that need to be considered in the case of incomplete knowledge of the structure.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, masonry building, unreinforced masonry, mechanical properties of masonry, pushover analysis, N2 method, 3Muri software, seismic performance assessment

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