
Model za integracijo spletnih uporabniških vmesnikov na strani strežnika : magistrsko delo
ID Mežik, Matej (Author), ID Jurič, Matjaž Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 85295F09B1F4E7387AB8CC6ADC1667E2
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/df4ebe0c-80a8-48dc-846b-6d88b38b89d1

Uporabniški vmesnik predstavlja glavno stično točko med uporabnikom in aplikacijo. Z namenom poenostavitve njegove uporabe in izboljšanja uporabniške izkušnje nastajajo pristopi ter modeli za učinkovitejši razvoj uporabniških vmesnikov. Tako je nastal tudi pristop z integracijo aplikacij na različnih nivojih. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili izključno na integracijo spletnih uporabniških vmesnikov. Predstavili smo lasten model integracije spletnih uporabniških vmesnikov, ki uporablja opisni jezik WUIIDL (Web User Interface Integration Description Language). Jezik je bil razvit v okviru magistrskega dela, z njim smo opisali ključne točke integracije. Strukturo jezika smo definirali s pomočjo sheme XSD (XML Schema Definition), ki posredno predstavlja strukturo vhodnih podatkov. Komunikacijo med posameznimi komponentami modela smo izvedli z uporabo spletnih storitev, ki smo jih opisali z datoteko WSDL (Web Service Description Language). V sklopu magistrskega dela smo pripravili prototip, njegova implementacija pa temelji na platformi Java EE. Integracijo smo izvedli z uporabo ogrodja Apache Wicket, ki nam je bilo v pomoč pri prikazovanju komponent na spletnem uporabniškem vmesniku. V prototipu smo podprli tudi postopek validacije, in sicer na podlagi vhodnih podatkov, podanih z opisnim jezikom WUIIDL. Model smo ocenili na podlagi testiranja množice primerov aplikacij SaaS (Software as a Service), s katerimi smo pripravili nabor štirih scenarijev, ki so pogosto v uporabi. Ugotovili smo, da model naslavlja ključne dele, potrebne za zagotavljanje celovite integracije.

Keywords:integracija, spletni uporabniški vmesnik, definiranje opisnega jezika, prikazovanje komponent, validacija, računalništvo, računalništvo in informatika, magisteriji
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Publisher:[M. Mežik]
Number of pages:84 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30801 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1536328131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.05.2015
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Title:Web user interface server side integration model
User interface is the main point of contact between the user and the application. With an aim to simplify its use and improve the user experience different approaches and models have been proposed for a more efficient development of user interfaces. This has resulted in approaches for application integration at different levels. In this Master’s thesis, we are focusing exclusively on the integration of web user interfaces. We present our own model for web user interface integration, which uses WUIIDL (Web User Interface Integration Description Language). The WUIIDL language has been developed within the context of the Master's thesis to describe the integration key points. The structure of the language was defined using XSD (XML Schema Definition) schemas and indirectly represents the structure of the input data. Communication between the individual components of the model was performed using web services which are described with WSDL (Web Service Description Language) file. We have prepared a prototype, its implementation being based on the Java EE platform. Integration was performed using Apache Wicket framework which has been helpful in displaying the components on the web user interface. The prototype also supports the validation process, namely based on the input data provided using the WUIIDL description language. The model was evaluated by testing a set of SaaS (Software as a Service) application examples used to prepare a set of four commonly used scenarios. We found that the model addresses the key parts necessary to ensure comprehensive integration.

Keywords:integration, web user interface, description language definition, display of components, validation, computer science, computer and information science, master's degree

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