
Sistemske storitve na distribucijskem nivoju
ID BAŠELJ, KRIŠTOF (Author), ID Gubina, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 454D867499F63C70C845A143760C7AD0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b212e4f1-4bea-4fd4-8c91-525223ca3dfb

Sledeč globalnim okoljskim prizadevanjem so evropske države v zadnjih letih doživele precejšen razmah proizvodnje iz obnovljivih virov energije (OVE). Proizvodnja električne energije iz obnovljivih virov energije ima specifične lastnosti, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri integraciji OVE v elektroenergetski sistem (EES). Dve izmed teh specifičnih lastnosti sta negotovost in spremenljivost proizvodnje električne energije zaradi spremenljivih vremenskih dejavnikov. Na začetku diplomskega dela smo se osredotočili na problematiko, ki nastane pri integraciji OVE v EES. Opisali smo obstoječe sistemske storitve, ki jih trenutno sistemski operater prenosnega omrežja (SOPO) uporablja za zanesljivo obratovanje EES. Glavnina diplomskega dela je namenjena raziskavi sistemskih storitev, ki bi jih lahko nudili OVE, priključeni v obliki razpršenih virov. Ti viri so večinoma priključeni na distribucijsko omrežje in so praviloma manjših moči. Distribucijska omrežja so bila prvotna načrtovana kot pasivna − s pretoki energije le v eno smer, in sicer od prenosnega v distribucijsko omrežje. Če želimo doseči visoko integracijo OVE, je treba uvesti nekatere nove sistemske storitve, ki rešujejo probleme, ki nastajajo pri visokem deležu negotove in spremenljive proizvodnje električne energije. Koncept klasičnih distribucijskih omrežij je treba nadgraditi z uvedbo pametnih omrežij. Raziskali smo tudi izzive, s katerimi se srečujejo vetrne in sončne elektrarne pri zagotavljanju sistemskih storitev. Preverili smo, kako poteka v Sloveniji integracija razpršenih virov. Raziskali smo, na kakšen način je Center za podpore finančno podpiral OVE in kakšen vpliv so imele podpore na rast OVE. Glede na tehnične zahteve priklopov razpršenih virov smo ugotovili, da trenutno le-ti niso zmožni nuditi sistemskih storitev s hitrim odzivnim časom. V zadnjem poglavju smo raziskali tehnike reševanja prenapetostnih pojavov in predlagali nov koncept vodenja inverterja po statiki z delitvijo dobička.

Keywords:sistemske storitve, negotovost in spremenljivost OVE, pametna omrežja, neto merjenje porabe, vetrne elektrarne, sončne elektrarne, aktivni odjem, virtualna elektrarna, podporna shema OVE, tehnika reševanja prenapetostnih pojavov, vodenje inverterja po statiki z delitvijo dobička
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30792 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.05.2015
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Secondary language

Title:System services on distribution level
Following the global environmental trends renewable generation in European countries experienced a significant growth. Energy from non-dispatchable renewables has some unique properties, which need to be addressed when integrating renewable resources into the power network. Two of those unique properties are uncertainty and variability of generation. At the beginning of the thesis we have focused on the problems that arise with integration of renewable generation into the power grid. Then we described the existing ancillary services, which are used by transmission system operator for the safe operation of the power grid. The main focus of this thesis is research of ancillary services, provided by renewable generation. Renewable resources have typically smaller installed power compared to conventional generation sources and are connected at the distribution network. Distributions networks were initially designed as passive with power flows going from transmission to the distribution network. If we wish to achieve high percentage of renewable generation then we will have to implement new ancillary services, which will support further integration of renewable generation. Conventional distribution networks have to be upgraded with smart grid concepts. We have also researched challenges for enhancing capabilities of solar and wind power plants in providing ancillary services. We researched the effects of integrating renewable generation in Slovenia. We found out that due to substantial financial subsidies renewable generation in Slovenia increased significantly. Because of insufficient technical requirements for installation, currently installed renewable resources in Slovenia are not capable of providing ancillary services with fast response times. Renewable resources, currently connected at the distribution network could be suitable for provision of operating reserves. In the last chapter we researched different techniques of solving overvoltage mitigation in low voltage distribution networks. We developed new technique of integrated control for overvoltage mitigation using droop control and profit sharing between generators.

Keywords:ancillary services, variable and uncertain renewable generation, smart grids, net metering, wind power, solar power, active demand, virtual power plants, subsidies for renewable generation, fairness curtailment, integrated voltage control of overvoltage mitigation in distribution network

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