
Modeli za vpeljavo mehanizmov trga z dodatnimi proizvodnimi zmogljivostmi
ID BAJEC OMAHEN, JASMINA (Author), ID Gubina, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 41C152D4097F1C7EE85C2D449E2CBB8B
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/fa429f62-3836-4504-83e7-4920968d7f90

Zaradi razmaha podpornih shem za postavitev obnovljivih virov električne energije (OVE) in posledično njihovega naraščajočega deleža v nacionalnih proizvodnih portfeljih, so se v zadnjih letih v evropskem prostoru začele pojavljati težave z zagotavljanjem zadostnosti proizvodnih virov in, posledično, z zanesljivostjo dobave električne energije (EE). Ena izmed možnosti za reševanje nastalih težav z zagotavljanjem zadostnosti proizvodnih zmogljivosti (PZ), je tudi vpeljava mehanizmov trga z dodatnimi proizvodnimi zmogljivostmi (DPZ). V magistrskem delu smo zato podali predlog modela za vpeljavo mehanizmov trga z DPZ v Sloveniji. V prvem delu magistrskega dela smo naredili pregled obstoječih vrst in v svetu že uveljavljenih mehanizmov trga z DPZ ter izpostavili prednosti in slabosti posameznih mehanizmov. Predstavili smo tudi alternativne možnosti za reševanje problemov z zadostnostjo proizvodnje v elektroenergetskem sistemu (EES). Nadalje smo naredili pregled že uporabljenih modelov mehanizmov trga z DPZ po svetu in že izkazanih učinkov ter načrtovanih modelov, ki še čakajo na vpeljavo. Predstavili smo tudi stališča posameznih evropskih inštitucij, združenj in večjih energetskih podjetij, na problematiko vpeljave mehanizmov za zagotavljanje DPZ v posameznih državah ter njihova opozorila in nasvete pri načrtovanju novih modelov. Pridobljeno vedenje o različnih mehanizmih in izkušnje iz tujine, smo poskušali prenesti na slovenske razmere. Preučili smo razmere (trenutna inštalirana moč EES, poraba, podporna shema OVE) v slovenskem EES in podali scenarije (napoved porabe, predvideni zagoni/zaustavitve elektrarn) stanja zadostnosti PZ slovenskega EES v prihodnosti. S pomočjo programskega paketa WASP, smo za primere izvršitve posameznih scenarijev, izvedli izračune kazalca zanesljivosti LOLE. Iz rezultatov teh izračunov smo prišli do sklepa, da bi bilo zadovoljivo zadostnost PZ slovenskega EES mogoče doseči z ustrezno politiko razvoja. Ugotovili smo, da bi nadaljnji razvoj EES moral stremeti bodisi k regresivnemu pristopu pri izgradnji dodatnih obnovljivih virov EE, bodisi k progresivnem pristopu izgradnje dodatnih, po možnosti čim bolj fleksibilnih »klasičnih« proizvodnih virov, s sposobnostjo hitrega nadomeščanja nenadnih izpadov ali hitrih sprememb proizvodnje OVE. Za primer progresivnega pristopa k problemu z zadostnostjo PZ, smo naredili izračun ocene celotnih stroškov vpeljave mehanizmov za zagotavljanje dodatnih zmogljivosti po dveh scenarijih izgradnje DPZ, po katerih bi v slovenskem EES dosegli zadovoljivo zadostnost. Višino potrebnih sredstev za zagotavljanje DPZ, smo izračunali le kot primer uporabe predlagane metodologije ob izbranih privzetkih in ne kot merodajen izračun višine potrebnih sredstev. Glavno dodano vrednost magistrskega dela pa predstavlja postavitev metodologije in predlog modela za vpeljavo mehanizmov trga z DPZ v Sloveniji. Predlagani mehanizem je avkcija, ki se izvede po principu »pay-as-bid«. Ta temelji na načelih enakopravne obravnave vseh akterjev, spodbujanju konkurenčnosti med ponudniki storitev na trgu, minimizaciji finančnih obremenitev končnih odjemalcev in zagotavljanju čim manjšega vpliva izbranega mehanizma na trg z EE. Izbrani mehanizem je zasnovan tako, da je vezan na zagotavljanje DPZ in ne na proizvodnjo EE. Dejansko izplačilo podpore pa se vseeno veže na višino tržne cene, ki jo elektrarna doseže na trgu. Poleg tega je mehanizem trga z DPZ zasnovan na način, da elektrarni omogoči povračilo zgolj fiksnih stroškov, spremenljivi stroški pa se povrnejo iz tržnih cen, ki jih elektrarna doseže s svojim nastopom na trgu z EE.

Keywords:OVE, zanesljivost dobave električne energije, zadostnost proizvodnje, WASP, LOLE, modeli mehanizmov trga za zagotavljanje dodatnih prenosnih zmogljivosti, avkcija
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30729 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.04.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Models for Introduction of the Capacity Market Mechanisms
Due to the expansion of European support schemes for renewable energy sources (RES) and consequently the increasing share of renewable energy in the recent years, problems with the reliability of the electricity supply started to appear. One of the approaches to mitigate the difficulties encountered is the introduction of the capacity market mechanisms. This thesis suggests a model of the capacity market appropriate for Slovenia. Firstly, an overview of the existing and already well-established capacity market mechanisms highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of individual mechanisms has been made. We have also presented alternative options for solving existing problems with the reliability of the electricity supply. Furthermore, a review of the existing capacity market models and their effects as well as planned models that are still waiting for deployment has been made. The views of important European institutions, associations and energy companies on the issue of the introduction of capacity mechanisms in order to provide additional capacity in each country have been presented, as well as their instruction and advice in the planning of new models. We tried to apply the acquired knowledge on the different mechanisms and experience from abroad to the Slovenian situation. We have examined the current situation (current installed capacity, support scheme) in the Slovenian power system and presented future scenarios (future consumption estimates, start/stop of the production units) and the state of the Slovenian power system in the future. A software package WASP was used to calculate the loss of load expectation (LOLE) reliability indicator for different scenarios. We have come to the conclusion that sufficient generation adequacy Slovenian power system could be achieved through appropriate policy development. Further system development should aim either for a regressive approach of the construction of additional renewable production units or for a progressive approach of the construction of additional, flexible »classic« production sources with the option of rapid energy deficiency replacements of unexpected swings in renewables output. For the progressive approach to the supply adequacy problem we have calculated two examples of the total cost of introducing mechanisms (that would provide additional capacity and achieve satisfactory system reliability). The purpose of calculating estimates is a demonstration of the calculation procedure using a set of assumed parameters and not the calculation of the actual amount of money needed. The main added value of the master thesis represents a combination of methodology and design proposal for the introduction of capacity market mechanisms in Slovenia. The proposed auction mechanism should be carried out according to the principle of »pay-as-bid« and should be based on the principles of equal treatment of all actors, promoting competition between the market service providers, minimizing the financial burden of final customers and minimizing the impact of the selected mechanism on the energy market. The chosen capacity mechanism must be designed so that it provides additional capacity instead of stimulating additional electricity production. The actual payment of support, however, should be bound to the energy market prices. In addition, it must be designed in such a way that it helps to recover the production units fixed costs only and that production units variable costs are recovered from energy market prices.

Keywords:RES, the reliability of electricity supply, supply adequacy, WASP, LOLE, capacity remuneration mechanisms (CRM) models, »pay-as-bid« auction

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