
Računalniško krmiljen model rezkarja za les
ID POKORN, LOVRO (Author), ID Murovec, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 3A50F7B96EBB585EE0C57A16FF922AC0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/308bcd4a-7882-41f7-b8a9-202f3af1ff52

Razvoj prenosnega računalniško krmiljenega rezkarja je narekovala terenska obdelava plošč iz lesnih kompozitov. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena zasnova in delovanje modela takšnega stroja, katerega glavni namen so razvoj, izdelava in testiranje komponent, ki so v domeni elektrotehnike. V uvodnem delu so opisani razlogi za razvoj stroja in podane zahteve glede dimenzij ter načina vodenja. Slednje določajo vodenje z androidne naprave preko bluetooth povezave. Osrednja tema diplomske naloge so predstavitve posameznih komponent modela. Začnemo z opisom mehanskega modela, narejenega iz predelanega starega tiskalnika. Sledi predstavitev električnega vezja in njegovih gradnikov, med katerimi sta bistvena mikrokrmilnik in bluetooth modul. Program na mikrokrmilniku je opisan v tretjem delu osrednje teme, nazadnje pa je razložena še uporaba in delovanje aplikacije, razvite za androidno napravo. V sklepnem delu so predstavljeni primerki, narejeni z modelom, ocene delovanja razvitih komponent in ideje za nadaljnji razvoj.

Keywords:model računalniško krmiljenega rezkarja, enosmeren krtačni elektromotor optični senzor, bluetooth komunikacija, mikrokrmilnik, programski jezik C, aplikacija za androidno napravo, programski jezik Java
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30716 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.04.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Computer-controlled model of a wood-routing machine
In order to process wood composite panels in the field need has emerged to develop a portable computer-controlled wood-router. This thesis presents the design and operation of such a machine model, whose main purpose is the development, production and testing of components in the domain of electrical engineer. The introductory part describes the reasons for the development of such a machine and presents the dimension and control requirements, which determine control from the android device via Bluetooth communication. The main part of the thesis presents the individual model components. We begin with the description of the mechanical model, made from a modified old printer. The first part is followed by the presentation of an electrical circuit and its building blocks, among which the microcontroller and Bluetooth module are essential. The program of the microcontroller is described in the third section of the main part. Finally, the use and operation of the application developed for the android device are explained. At the end of the thesis, we present examples made with the model, the evaluation of functionality for developed components and ideas for further development.

Keywords:model of computer-controlled router, DC brushed electric motor, optical sensor, Bluetooth communication, microcontroller, programming language C, application for the android device, programming language Java

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