
Dimenzioniranje električnega pogona pri valjčnem transportu
ID AMBROŽ, FERDINAND (Author), ID Fišer, Rastko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 38EC4D7013B6BD503DDDFFBB731008D2
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/458a48fa-9e92-445e-80a2-a3904ce82ae9

V diplomskem delu bom predstavil izbiro asinhronskih motorjev za posamezne pogone pri valjčnih transporterjih, kjer so že vnaprej določene dimenzije in oblika posameznega transporterja. Delo temelji na dograditvi transportne linije, kjer potrebujemo tri valjčne transporterje, da tovor transportiramo po poti, ki je zasukana za kot 90˚. Za tak premik tovora potrebujemo dva navadna valjčna transporterja z različnim številom valjev, odvisno od dolžine poti, ter ekscentrični valjčni transporter, ki izvede zasuk za kot 90˚. Vsak valjčni transporter potrebuje en motor, ki je preko reduktorja povezan na zobnik. Zobnik motorja in zobniki posameznih valjev so med seboj povezani z verigo. Izjema pri številu motorjev je ekscentrična miza, ki potrebuje poleg pogona za premik valjev še pogon za zasuk celotnega transporterja. Pri izbiri motorja za posamezni valjčni transporter je treba izračunati dinamične obremenitve, ki nastanejo med obratovanjem pogona. Za izračun dinamičnih obremenitev pa potrebujemo preračun vztrajnostnih momentov, ki so prisotni med pogonom. Za vsak motor je bil izdelan preračun in na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov izbran ustrezen motor. Na koncu smo opravili še meritev na enem izmed izbranih motorjev in analizirali dobljene rezultate.

Keywords:valjčni transporter, vztrajnostni moment, dinamični navor, statični navor
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.03.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Dimensioning of electrical drives for roller conveyors
In a thesis, a dimensioning of the electric motors for roller conveyors drives is presented in detail. It focuses on the upgrade of the existing transport line and includes three roller conveyors. The goal of this additional setup is to perform a 90° change of direction of the production line. This task can be done using two ordinary (linear) roller conveyors with different number of rollers, depending on the segment of the line, and a rotary roller conveyor which can rotate by 90°. A roller conveyor consists of an array of cylindrically shaped rollers with cogwheels which are subsequently linked together with a chain. Ultimately, the motor drives the chain and enables rollers to rotate. Additionally, rotary roller has an extra motor in order to perform rotation by 90°. Roller conveyor consists of a number of mechanical elements. Each of them influences the dynamics of the drive system and can be adequately represented by its moment of inertia J. Calculation of J was performed by applying specific formulas to each particular shape. Then, the sum of the moment of inertias reflected to the motor side was determined. Of course, the friction between drive elements was also taken into account. According to the calculated load demands the appropriate motors were chosen. The mechanical as well as thermal adequacy was checked. At the end an on-site measurement of the motor was performed.

Keywords:roller conveyor, moment of inertia, dynamic torque, static torque

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