
Poučevanje starejše slovenske književnosti v devetletki - študij primera Primož Trubar
ID Blažič, Milena (Author)

URLURL - Source URL, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/2697 This link opens in a new window

Učni načrt za slovenščino iz leta 1998 in predlog Učnega načrta za slovenščinoiz leta 2008 predlagata, naj učenci v 9. razredu devetletke pri funkcionalnih ciljih pregledno poznajo književnike in njihova dela iz obdobja starejše slovenske književnosti, med katerimi je naveden tudi Primož Trubar. Sestavljavci učnega načrta predlagajo dve besedili Primoža Trubarja, odlomek iz Katekizma z dvema izlagama in odlomek iz Evangelija sv. Matevža, ter odlomek iz slovnice Adama Bohoriča Zimske urice proste. Smoter izobraževalnih ciljev je pridobivanje literarnovednega znanja oz. poznavanja in uporabljanja strokovnih izrazov. Učenec naj bi v 9. razredu poznal, uporabljal ter znal opisati tudi strokovne izraze in poimenovanja za literarnozgodovinska obdobja in smeri (pismenstvo, protestantizem, razsvetljenstvo, romantika, realizem, moderna (nova romantika), književnost po 2. sv. vojni). Pri tem se postavi vprašanje, ali je pojem protestantizem literarno obdobje ali smer. Izpostavi se tudi problem rabe pojmov reformacija in protireformacija.

Keywords:aktualizacija, književni pouk, kontekst, mladinska književnost, protestantizem, literarna recepcija, Primož Trubar, učni načrt, 16. stol
Typology:1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Number of pages:Str. 205-216
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30565 This link opens in a new window
UDC:371.214.1:821.163.6.09Trubar. P
COBISS.SI-ID:8531785 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.02.2015
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Secondary language

Curriculum for Slovenian from 1998 and proposal of Curriculum for Slovenian from 2008 propose that students in ninth class of nine-year primary school at functional goals know writers and theirs books from period of older slovenia literature, among them is Primož Trubar. Among recommended literary texts are two written by Trubar, firstly the paragraph from Catechism with two explanations, secondly the paragraph from Gospel of Matthew and thirdly the paragraph from grammar by Adam Bohorič with title Aritice Horule Succesive. Among the curriculum goals are the acquisition of literary knowledge and familiarity with literary terminology. Students in 9th grade of primary have to be familiar with, and be able to describe and use, terms such as literacy, Protestantism, enlightenment, Romanticism, realism, new Romanticism, literature and post-Second World War. Here the question arises as to whether Protestantism is a social movement or a literary period. There is also the ssue of the terms Reformation and Counter Refomation.

Keywords:actualisation, teaching of literature, context, children’s literature, protestantism, literary reception, Primoz Trubar, curriculum, 16th century

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