
Izvedba zgoščevalnih funkcij Keccak z digitalnim vezjem
ID ČRNKO, ŽIGA (Author), ID Trost, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: E929D59997B1F076B1891E666A7895DF
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d0e48876-66a7-4eb5-bc43-bcc94bc369a9

Pričujoče delo podaja možno zasnovo Keccak zgoščevalne funkcije za implementacijo v digitalnem vezju. Cilj naloge je bila zasnova hitre parameterizirane Keccak zgoščevalne funkcije v HDL jeziku Verilog, katere specifične lastnosti in instanco Keccak funkcije bi uporabnik izbral ob integraciji v sistem. Pri tem so parametri, ki zadevajo sistem, širina vhodnega vodila ter število medpomnilnikov, ostali parametri pa določajo lastnosti same Keccak funkcije. V delu so na začetku predstavljene splošne zahteve in lastnosti kriptografskih zgoščevalnih funkcij, sledi pa podroben opis delovanja Keccak algoritma in uporabljene konstrukcije spužve. V praktičnem delu je podana arhitektura zasnove in zahteve, ki smo jih morali upoštevati pri gradnji, nakar sledi opis lastnosti in delovanja vezja. Kot končni produkt diplomske naloge so prikazani rezultati sinteze za primere FPGA in ASIC vezij ter analizirani vplivi različnih parametrov na velikost in frekvenco nastalega vezja.

Keywords:Keccak, SHA-3, zgoščevalna funkcija, kriptografija, digitalno vezje, kriptografska zgoščevalna funkcija, Verilog
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30069 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.12.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Implementation of Keccak Hash Functions in Digital Circuit
The thesis addresses the possible design of Keccak hash function for the purpose of implementation in digital circuit. The primary goal of the thesis was to develop a fully parameterized Keccak hash function module in HDL language Verilog, which would allow the user to integrate it into different systems and choose the desired properties of the module. The user should be able to select desired input bus width, number of implemented buffers and specific instance of Keccak hash function. At the beginning of the document, general properties of cryptographic hash functions are presented, followed by the detailed description of Keccak hash function and its sponge construction. The practical part of the thesis proposes the architecture of the circuit and describes its inner working, properties and requirements that were considered while building the circuit. The final part of the thesis presents FPGA and ASIC synthesis results, as well as the analysis of the effects of mentioned parameters

Keywords:Keccak, SHA-3, hash function, cryptography, digital circuit, cryptographic hash function, Verilog

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