
Meritve bližnjega magnetnega in električnega polja za določanje elektromagnetne združljivosti naprav
ID NUSEV, GJORGJI (Author), ID Jankovec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: EB4D14B8165CB6CFE8860FA5E572442F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/ebce1eba-4f98-42cf-823c-102dada2b36e

Cilj diplomskega dela je preizkus delovanja ročno izdelanih sond za meritev in skeniranje bližnjega polja. Te sonde se zelo pogosto uporabljajo za razvojne EMC meritve, predvsem za lociranje virov sevanja v vezjih in napravah. Sonde za meritev bližnjega polja smo naredili iz 50Ω poltrdega koaksialnega kabla z SMA priključki na koncu. Magnetne sonde imajo režo in so v obliki zanke, za zmanjšanje vpliva električnega polja pa smo jih tudi oklopili. Električna sonda je izdelana iz kosa kratke žice, izvlečene iz centralnega vodnika poltrdega koaksialnega kabla. Preizkusi zmogljivosti in občutljivosti magnetnih in električnih sond so bili narejeni nad zaključeno 50Ω mikrotrakasto linijo. Linija je bila priključena na izhod sledilnega generatorja, sonde pa so bile priključene na vhod spektralnega analizatorja. Dobljene rezultate smo obdelali in primerjali s teoretičnimi rezultati.

Keywords:EMC, bližnje polje, magnetne sonde, električne sonde, diferencialne motnje, sofazne motnje, elektromagnetna združljivost, oklopljene magnetne sonde, faktor antene (ACF)
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30048 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.11.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Measuring of near electric and magnetic fields for electromagnetic compatibility precompliance testing
The aim of this thesis is to test the performance of the home-made probes for near field scanning. Near field probes are commonly used for pre-compliance EMC measurements. They are also used by the EMC and circuit designer engineers for locating sources of radiation in circuits. Probes were made from 50Ω semirigid coaxial cable with SMA connectors at its end. The magnetic field probes were made in a form of a loop and are shielded in order to minimize the effect of the electric field to the output voltage of the probe. The electric field probe is made of a semirigid cable with a short piece of extended central conductor. The performance and sensitivity of the magnetic and electric near field probes were tested over a terminated 50Ω microstrip line. The microstrip was connected to tracking generator's output. The probes were connected to the input of spectrum analyser, from which the data was exported for further processing. Results are than compared with theoretical calculations.

Keywords:Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC, Near Field, magnetic probes, shielded loop antennas, electric probes, differential-mode radiation, common-mode radiation, Antenna Calibration Factor (ACF)

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