
Algoritem za avtomatsko prepoznavo ključnih točk mehkih tkiv glave : diplomsko delo
ID LOJK, MITJA (Author), ID Bulić, Patricio (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8B393B1E060419DD5D8E12229C210F98
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/68928ff3-baf7-4d10-807b-fd60ac2b838f

Diplomska naloga opisuje algoritem za iskanje silhuete obraza na posnetkih STRGV (stranski telerentgenogram glave in vratu) ter kasnejše določanje ključnih točk mehkih tkiv obraza, kot so nos, brada, ustnice in kožni nasion. Zobozdravniki – ortodonti, kirurgi in čeljustni ortopedi pred zdravljenjem oziroma operacijskim posegom nad trdimi tkivi glave uporabljajo razna orodja za postavljanje diagnoze in odločanje o načinu in poteku zdravljenja. Cilja, ki ju zasledujejo, sta izboljšanje funkcionalnosti in lepota obraza. Eno od teh orodij so kefalometrične analize. Cilj te diplomske naloge pa je določiti metodologijo za avtomatsko prepoznavanje ključnih točk mehkih tkiv glave in s tem olajšanje dela uporabnikom programa AxCeph [1], ki je namenjen izdelavi kefalometričnih analiz.

Keywords:telerentgenogram, silhueta, avtomatska prepoznava, mehka tkiva, računalništvo, računalništvo in informatika, univerzitetni študij, diplomske naloge
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Publisher:[M. Lojk]
Number of pages:31 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-29608 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1536090819 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2014
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Secondary language

Title:An algorithm for the automatic identification of the key points in head soft tissues
The scope of this BSc thesis is to describe the algorithm that traces the soft tissue silhouette of a face on STRGV image (skull lateral X-ray) and then locates key points of soft tissue like tip of the nose, chin and soft tissue nasion. In order to make an informed decision on orthodontic treatment or orthognatic surgery, dentists- orthodontist and dental surgeons use various tools. This tools provide relevant information for diagnosis and help establish an appropriate treatment plan. Goals of the treatment are functional and aestethic improvements. Cephalometric analyses are one of these tools. The goal of this thesis is to find the most appropriate methodology for automatic recognition of key reference points on soft tissue of the head in order to simplify and speed up the process of creating cephalometric analyses in AxCeph software [1].

Keywords:X-ray, silhouette, automatic recognition, soft tissue, computer science, computer and information science, diploma

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