
Zasnova, razvoj in izdelava testne naprave za preizkušanje vgrajenih sistemov za zajemanje podatkov
ID JAKOPIN, BLAŽ (Author), ID Bojkovski, Jovan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: FBCB599301E2B38D7AB2C87FB54FC746
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0e017e34-263d-48f9-918d-4fde8e914788

Diplomska naloga opisuje zasnovo, razvoj in izdelavo testne naprave za preizkušanje vgrajenih sistemov za zajemanje podatkov. Naprava bo uporabljena v večjem avtomatiziranem testnem sistemu, ki na eni strani generira referenčne vrednosti s testno napravo, na drugi pa te vrednosti meri z napravo, ki je testirana, in primerja izmerjeno vrednost z referenco, da ugotovi, ali je meritev znotraj toleranc. Z obzirom na tehnične specifikacije in zahteve testnega sistema se lotimo zasnove testne naprave, ki naj bi v prvi vrsti nastopila kot izboljšava že obstoječe rešitve. Zasnova testne naprave obsega analizo že obstoječih rešitev in predlog izboljšave podprt s teoretičnimi predpostavkami in ugotovitvami. Zastavimo koncept celostne rešitve problema testiranja vgradnih sistemov za zajemanje podatkov po principu PXI sistemov, v okviru diplomske naloge pa tudi razvijemo in izgradimo integralni del testnega sistema, modul funkcijskega generatorja.

Keywords:avtomatski testni sistem, generiranje signalov, SCPI
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-29452 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2014
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Title:The design, development and production of test apparatus for the testing of embedded systems for data acquisition
This thesis describes the design, developement and production of a device for testing different embedded data aquisition systems. This device will be a part of a larger automated testing system, that uses generated values as a reference to test a specific data acquisition device and notifies the user when a specific test case falls out of tolerance. With respect to the technical specification and requests from the existing testing system we start with the planning and designing a device that should firstly improve the existing solutions. The design of such a device is composed of analisys of already known solutions and suggestions on how to improve them, supported with theoretical assumptions. First we set up a larger concept of a device that could provide an overall solution for automated testing of embedded data acquisition systems similar to a PXI (PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation) system, but we focus only on a smaller part of this task – the signal generation module.

Keywords:automatic testing system, signal generation, SCPI

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