Companies follow the contemporary trends in production by regularly modernizing technological equipment in order to reduce operational costs, increase the added value of products, and ensure competitiveness and their position on the market. Due to the increased demand of final production for sawn elements, the yearly produced quantity of sawing should be increased from 3282.1 m3 to 4515.8 m3 elements, which however cannot be reached by the existing production despite two-shift work. The choice of 2 different technologies, which are distinguished by the manner of sawing as well as by the investment cost, enables the achievement of the increased demand for one-shift work. Both chosen technologies enable optimizing in length and width with the help of packaged software, a better utilization rate and an immediate control over the quantity and value of production. With regard to the break-even point, business results and net present value of the investment, the cheaper technology presents a lower investment risk for companies despite a larger number of required production workforce. The life span of the machines is 8 years, the investment itself is recovered in 1.8 years.