
Zakonski okviri pri uporabi lesa kot vira energije : diplomsko delo
ID Ravnik, Miha (Author), ID Oman, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gornik Bučar, Dominika (Reviewer)

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MD5: CD0DBA7C582E1E672698829CCC6CF2C5
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4b4c541c-18bf-43eb-b55e-e69ee606b294

Da bi srednje veliko podjetje lahko povečalo svoje proizvodne sposobnosti, mora nujno zadostiti vsem potrebam po toplotni energiji. Lesna biomasa kot najmočnejši in najatraktivnejši predstavnik biomase ima glede na energetsko uporabnost pomembno mesto, saj ima slednja velike rezerve te energije na razpolago v zadostnih količinah: je nevtralen in domač vir. Ekonomičnost in kakovost pridobljene lesne biomase je odvisna od izbora tehnologije pridobivanja, izbora ustrezne surovine in ekonomskih razmer na trgu. O učinkoviti rabi lesa kot vira energije lahko govorimo takrat, ko izkoristimo čim večji delež uskladiščene energije, pri tem pa povzročimo čim manjše negativne vplive na okolje. Pogoj za razumevanje osnov zgorevanja goriva je poznavanje fizikalnih in kemičnih lastnosti sestave. Pri vgradnji kotlov na lesno biomaso je treba posvetiti posebno pozornost temeljitemu načrtovanju vsega ogrevalnega sistema. Ko je podjetje postavljeno pred dejstvo, da za nemoteno delovanje potrebuje postavitev nove ali rekonstrukcijo že obstoječe kotlovnice, je prvo investitorjevo vprašanje, kje pričeti. Najustreznejše odgovore na vsa zastavljena vprašanja je mogoče pridobiti na osnovi študije izvedljivosti, katero pripravi usposobljen izvajalec. Slediti je treba vsem zakonskim in instuticionalnim okvirom do končne izvedbe in delovanja. Posebno pozornost pa posvečamo spodbudam in oviram, ki se ob izvedbi projekta pojavljajo.

Keywords:lesna biomasa, vir energije, raba lesa, alternativni viri energije, zakonski okviri
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Ravnik]
Number of pages:IX, 86 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-259 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1609865 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Legitimate framework for using wood like source of energy : visokošolski strokovni študij
To increase its output production an average company needs to fulfil all of the power and heat requests. Wood biomass, one of the most powerful and attractive, representative sources, has a very important place regarding its possibilities of energy usage. There also is a lot of this energy at our disposal. We have enough of it, apart to this; it is neutral and domestic source. Economy and quality of wood biomass depends on the suitable assortment, the right raw material and economy conditions on the market. We can talk about effectiveness, when we utilise maximum amount of energy stored in the wood, and to cause less negative influence to the environment. To understand the basic combustion processes the knowledge of physical and chemical composition of fuel is essential. At installing the boiler fired withwood, we need to plan thoroughly the entire heating system. When the company is faced with an accomplished fact that they need to place a new boiler house or to reconstruct the old one, the question is where to begin. The answer is a basic study of practicability made by a qualified performer. It has follow all the legislation and institutional frames until the final realization. Special attention has to be devoted to stimulation and impediment regarding realization of the project.

Keywords:wood biomass, energy sources, wood composition, legislation frames

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