
Določanje vsebnosti bakra v hranilnem mediju in miceliju lesnih gliv z EPR spektroskopijo : diplomsko delo (univerzitetni študij)
ID Merkač, Jernej (Author), ID Pohleven, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Humar, Miha (Reviewer)

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MD5: C4567AD90AB1482965CFF259BA6B38A0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/678e52d9-ba8f-4708-8775-f66776358ddd

Zaščita lesa s kemičnimi sredstvi na osnovi bakra spada med najstarejše postopke zaščite lesa. V določenih predelih zahodne Evrope so sredi 90-tih let 20-ega stoletja začeli ugotavljati slabšo odpornost drogov zaščitenih s CCB solmi na določene vrste gliv, predvsem tistih iz rodu Poria. Ugotavljali smo, ali je mogoče z elektronsko paramagnetno resonanco (EPR) zaznati prisotnost bakra v vodnih raztopinah bakrovega(II) sulfata in bakrovega(I) klorida ter prisotnost bakra v hranilnem mediju in miceliju gliv skozi časovno obdobje 10-ih tednov. Na osnovi analiz smo ugotovili, da je EPR spektrometrija primerna za zaznavanje bakrovega sulfata v vodni raztopini, saj nastopa v obliki Cu(II), med tem ko bakrovega klorida, zaradi Cu(I), nismo mogli zaznati. Gojišče (PDA), v katerega smo dodali raztopino bakrovega sulfata, ni vplivalo na paramagnetne lastnosti bakrovega sulfata. Določili smo primerno koncentracijo bakrovega sulfata v gojišču (1 x 10-3 mol/L). Pri tej koncentraciji micelij uspešno prerašča podlago, baker pa tudi še zaznamo z EPR spektrometrom. Rezultati tedenskih meritev pri glivi Poria placenta kažejo na kemične spremembe bakra v miceliju, pod micelijem in v podlagi. Sklepamo, da prihaja do odlaganja bakrovih spojin na micelij oz. hifin ovoj, kjer prihaja do agregacije bakra. Spremembe se kažejo tudi pri Trametes versicolor. V miceliju lahko baker v prvih 6-ih tednih komaj zaznamo. V sedmem tednu se pokaže zelo močan in spremenjen signal, ki priča o kemijski spremembi bakra in kaže na absorpcijo in spremembo bakra preko micelija v podlago. Pri glivi Poria monticola in obeh sevih glive Antrodia vaillantii nismo opazili bistvenih sprememb bakra. Domnevamo, da so glive spremenile baker v obliko, ki je z EPR-om ne moremo zaznati.

Keywords:baker, bakrov(II) sulfat, glive, EPR spektroskopija, Trametes versicolor, Poria monticola, Antrodia [mh18] vaillantii, Poria placenta[mh22]
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Merkač]
Number of pages:XI, 61 f., [15 f. pril.]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-236 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1544073 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Copper determination in nutritive medium and mycelium of wood decay fungi with spectroscopy : graduation thesis (university studies)
Wood preservation based on copper is one of the oldest wood protecting methods. In some parts of Western Europe, lower resistance of poles treated with CCB salts to certain fungi (order Poria) was discovered in the mid nineties of the past century. The main issue of the research was testing if EPR spectroscopy can be used for copper(II) sulfate and copper(I) chloride detection in aquatic solutions, and if changes and absorption of copper can be detected in fungus mycelium and PDA nutrient medium over a period of 10 weeks. EPR spectroscopy was discovered to be a suitable method for copper sulfate detecting in aquatic solutions because copper is in paramagnetic active Cu(II) form. On the other hand, copper chloride is in Cu(I) form, and has no paramagnetic centers. PDA nutrient medium, with added copper sulfate, did not affect copper sulfate paramagnetic characteristics. Suitable concentration of copper sulfate in PDA nutrient medium (1 x 10-3 mol/L) was determined. At this concentration mycelium still successfully overgrows the PDA medium and copper can be detected in both (mycelium and PDA nutrient medium). The result of weekly measurements indicates chemical changes of copper in mycelium, PDA medium close to mycelium and deeper in PDA medium at fungus Poria placenta. It was concluded that copper compounds were deposited and aggregated on hypha cover in mycelium. There were some changes at Trametesversicolor as well. Copper almost could not be detected in the mycelium for the first 6 weeks, then a strong and different signal was detected in the 7th week. Evidently, fungus can change copper's chemical form and absorb it through mycelium into a PDA nutrition medium. Substantial changes of copper in Poria monticola and both isolates of Antrodia vaillantii could not be detected with EPR spectroscopy. It is assumed that those fungi have changed copper into a form that cannot be detected with EPR spectroscopy.

Keywords:copper, copper(II) sulfate, fungi, EPR spectroscopy, Trametes versicolor, Poria monticola, Antrodia [mh36] vaillantii, Poria placenta[mh37]

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