The article deals with fundamental theoretical dilemmas of lifestyle segmentations and particularly with the role and the merit of the concept in contemporary marketing research. In the first part of the article, authors' approach to lifestyles segmentations is established and discussed. Origins, developments, interpretations, cultural and social variations, and a variety of applications of the concept in the social sciences are taken into account. Special concern is paid to the relationship between class and cultural consumption. In the second part, the authors approach is verified by their empirical research on cultural choices in Slovenia, which resulted in identification of four mayor segments representing a relatively durable foundation for further qualitative research of more particular segments, valuable in marketing research as well as in social science theory in general.The obtained segments are explained through a wide range of characteristics, e.g. cultural, ethical, socio-demographical, behavioural, psychological and others, commonly engaged in marketing research. The methodological framework, statistical methods and measurement instruments (including interview questions) are presented as well.