The article pays attention to the question of relationship between police organisations and local communities. In the first part, the author discuses the theoretical aspect of the question, while in the second part presents the survey results carried out on a sample of 2300 mayors and councillors in 128 local communities in the Republic of Slovenia. The main goal of the survey wasto answer the question, how do mayors and councillors evaluate the work of police stations in following areas: satisfaction with the work of police stations; the question of safety of residents in local community; the level oftheir encouragement of police officers at their work; evaluation of possibility and desire to influence the work of police stations; and the levelof satisfaction with work of police officers considering the segments of police work (e.g. satisfaction with the work of police regarding traffic, crime etc.). Among other things, the author concluded that mayors and councillors grade the level of their encouragement of police officers at theirwork best, followed by the level of satisfaction with the work of police stations; the area of satisfaction with work of police officers considering the segments of police work is somewhat lower, followed by the area of safety of residents of the local community. The worst grade was given to the area of possibility and desire to influence the work of police stations.