
Montaža in demontaža večbobenskih žičnih žerjavov : diplomsko delo (univerzitetni študij - 1. stopnja)
ID Noč, Tina (Author), ID Košir, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: C0EFEBDBCDC17943FD137174F7882404
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9f18bb80-a6f2-471b-a449-52339fe6c177

Žične naprave so z razvojem do danes postale zelo mobilne, njihovo premikanje je pogosto in čas prestavljanja predstavlja velik delež skupnega časa. Namen diplomske naloge je spoznati, kako terenske razmere, značilnosti linije ter organizacija dela vplivajo na čas montaže in demontaže. Obdelani so bili podatki o 203 linijah žičnih naprav Syncrofalke, ki so bile postavljene na območju Slovenije. Obdelava je potekala s pomočjo vrtilnih tabel v programu Excel in s statističnimi testi v programu SPSS. Čas demontaže je približno za polovico krajši od časa montaže. Z daljšanjem linije se daljša tudi čas montaže in povečuje verjetnost za postavitev vmesnih podpor, ki prav tako znatno podaljšujejo čas montaže. Časi so daljši pri linijah s spravilom navzdol kot s spravilom navzgor ter pri vzporednem tipu postavitve v primerjavi s pahljačastim. S povečevanjem koncentracije lesa se čas montaže skrajšuje vse do vrednosti koncentracije 1,25 m3/m, pri večjih koncentracijah pa je zajetih premalo podatkov za zanesljive ocene. Tudi organizacija dela vpliva na čas montaže in demontaže, najkrajši pa je pri skupini dveh delavcev. Vsi dejavniki na čas prestavljanja vplivajo kot celota, zato je ugotavljanje vplivov vsakega posamezno težavno.

Keywords:žično spravilo, spravilo lesa, Syncrofalke, montaža, demontaža, čas postavljanja
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Noč]
Number of pages:VII, 34 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-17768 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3245478 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

The development has made cable cranes more mobile, their moving is frequent and relocation time represents a great part of total time. The purpose of my thesis is to learn, what influence the conditions of terrain, line characteristics and organisation of work have on setting up and setting down time. 203 Syncrofalke cable crane lines have been analysed on the territory ofSlovenia. The analysis has been carried out by the help of pivot table in Excel programme and statistical tests in SPSS programme. The time of setting down is aproximately half shorter then the time of setting up. The time of setting up is lengthened by the lengthening of line. The probability of setting up intermediate supports is also increased which considerably lengthenthe time of setting up. The times are longer with the down skidding than with the up skidding which as well increases the relocation time with theparalel lines compared with the fan-shaped lines. By the increase of wood concentration the time of setting up shortens up to concentration 1,25 m3/m. With greater concentrations there is not enough data for an accurate estimation. The time of setting up and setting down is also influenced by organisation of work. The shortest is in the group of 2 workers. All the factors which influence relocation time act together, that is why the influence of an individual is difficult to find out.

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