
Proučevanje antagonističnih interakcij med talnimi izolati bakterije Bacillus subtilis
ID Panjtar, Gaja (Author), ID Mandić Mulec, Ines (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kraigher, Barbara (Comentor)

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Antagonistične interakcije med talnimi izolati bakterije Bacillus subtilis so pomembne za razumevanje mikrobnih združb v tleh. V magistrski nalogi smo za preučevanje antagonističnih interakcij uporabili metodo določanja območja inhibicije testnega seva na poltrdnem gojišču. Dodatno smo preko merjenja intenzitete fluorescence v različnih eksperimentalnih pogojih (npr. na poltrdnem gojišču, v statični tekoči kulturi in v stresani tekoči kulturi) določali uspešnost rasti izbranih fluorescentno označenih sevov v mešanici z označenim sevom PS-216. Ugotovili smo, da je antagonizem med sevi pogost pojav, ki je odvisen od sorodnosti med sevi, pri čemer nekateri sevi izkazujejo večjo jakost antagonizma kot drugi. Pridobljeni rezultati kažejo, da ima izbira kombinacije sevov večji vpliv na intenziteto antagonizma kot eksperimentalni pogoji. Preučili smo tudi vpliv mutacij v genih, povezanih s sorodstveno diskriminacijo vezan antagonizem, in ugotovili, da je operon wapAI ključen lokus za izražanje antagonizma, medtem, ko nismo zaznali pomembnejšega vpliva mutacije operona epsA-O v raziskovanih eksperimentalnih pogojih. Z magistrsko nalogo smo pokazali, da je narava izražanja antagonizma med talnimi izolati bakterije B. subtilis kompleksna, kar zahteva nadaljnje raziskave, ki bi razložile vpliv različnih genov na izražanje antagonizma med sevi iste vrste.

Keywords:Bacillus subtilis, antagonistične interakcije, poltrdno LB gojišče, statična LB kultura, stresana LB kultura, operon wapAI, metoda prelitja s poltrdnim gojiščem, spremljanje fluorescence v kokulturi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[G. Panjtar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-167777 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:228667651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.03.2025
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Title:Exploring antagonistic interactions among Bacillus subtilis soil isolates
Antagonistic interactions between soil isolates of Bacillus subtilis are essential for understanding microbial communities in soil. For the study of antagonistic interactions, we used the soft agar overlay method and the measurement of YFP and RFP fluorescence of labeled strain mixtures with fluorescentlz labeled PS-216 in three different growing environments – overlay agar (0,7 % agar in LB), static liquid culture and shaken liquid culture. Antagonism between strains was found to be a prevalent interaction between strains and associated with strain kinship, with some strains exhibiting higher antagonism intensity than the others. The results obtained show that the tested growth conditions do not significantly affect the expression of antagonism, while the combination of strains is the key to its intensity. We also examined the impact of gene mutations associated with kin discrimination on antagonism expression and found that the wapAI operon was crucial for the expression of antagonism, while the operon epsA-O mutation had no significant impact in tested conditions. The findings of this master's thesis point to the complex nature of antagonism expression among the bacteria B. subtilis soil isolates and emphasize the importance of further research in this field, which would better explain the influence of genes and signaling pathways on the expression and the mechanisms of intra-species antagonism.

Keywords:Bacillus subtilis, antagonistic interactions, semi-solid LB medium, static LB culture, shaken LB culture, wapAI operon, soft agar overlay method, fluorescence monitoring in coculture

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