
Idejna zasnova in urbanistična ureditev doma kulture v Sevnici
ID Brgant, Tina (Author), ID Medvešek, Gašper (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vodopivec, Aleš (Comentor)

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Magisterska naloga se ukvarja z iskanjem rešitve na vprašanje trenutnega stanja prostorov za kulturne dejavnosti v občini Sevnica. Da bi našla kvaliteten odgovor kakšno arhitekturo ponuditi kraju, sem se poglobila v razumevanje pomena kulturnih dejavnosti za njene uporabnike danes in iskala vzporednice z odnosi nekoč. Morda ni pomembno kaj je definicija teh dejavnosti, temveč kaj je bistvo njihovega obstoja. Najprej je potrebno razumeti identiteto in delovanje družbe kot skupnosti, katera prostoru in kraju dajeje pomen in namen. Cilj projektne naloge je ustvariti nove prostore skupnosti, prostore srečevanja, druženja, socializacije in družbene interakcije ter kot njeno vzajemno posledico delovanja tudi prostore kulture in umetnosti.

Keywords:kultura, arhitektura, dom kulture, skupnost, Sevnica
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-167503 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.02.2025
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Title:Conceptual design and urban planning of the cultural centre in Sevnica
The master’s thesis deals with the research of finding a solution to the current state of cultural facilities in the municipality of Sevnica. In order to find a solid answer to the question of the type of architecture to offer, I have delved into the understanding of the meaning of cultural activities for its users today and looked for parallels with the relations of the past. Perhaps, the importance does not lie in the definition of these activities, but in their essence of existence. First, it is necessary to understand the identity and functioning of society as a community that gives meaning and purpose to the place. The aim of the master’s thesis is to create new areas of community, meeting, socialising, social interaction and, consequently, areas of culture and art.

Keywords:culture, architecture, cultural center, community, Sevnica

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