
Idejna zasnova prenove dvorane in revitalizacije območja atletskega stadiona Kladivar v Celju
ID Cvikl, Matija (Author), ID Sadar, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen naloge je skozi revitalizacijo območja atletskega stadiona Kladivar v Celju, raziskovanje povezave med krajino, fizkulturo in land art-om. Iz omenjenega območja se umaknejo vsi v procesu valorizacije negativno ocenjeni elementi, nato se ga revitalizira z urbanistično potezo več ozelenjenih hribov, sestavljenih iz lokalnega gradbenega odpada, zemljine in lesene konstrukcije. Navežejo se na obstoječo dvorano, zamejijo stavbni otok in nudijo prostor za športne, rekreacijske, regeneracijske in upravne površine pod, nad in ob njim. Rezultat raziskovanja magistrske naloge oziroma njen izviren doprinos je sodobna interpretacija stadiona kot krajinske arhitekture oz. interaktivne krajine, kjer v simbiozi delujejo atletski, rekreacijski, land art in drugi programi. Območje stadiona Kladivar, ki je atletsko središče mesta, tako postane še njegova osrednja parkovna površina, s pomembno vlogo socialnega katalizatorja.

Keywords:park, šport, land art, atletika, trajnost, organska arhitektura
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-167502 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.02.2025
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Title:Conceptual design of renovation of sports hall and revitalisation of area around athletic stadium Kladivar in Celje, Slovenia
Aim of the thesis is exploring the relations between landscape, physical culture and land art via revitalization of the area around athletics stadium Kladivar in Celje (Slovenia). Firstly, valorization of all architectural elements on site is made, with the ones that are evaluated negatively removed. The area is then revitalized with fluid, curvy urbanistic intervention in the form of multiple artificial green islands, created from local demolition waste, soil excavation and wooden structure. It is attached to the existing hall and runs around the whole project area, providing a border for the program it encapsulates below, above and next to it. The result of the thesis' exploration or rather its original contribution is contemporary interpretation of stadium as an interactive landscape architecture, with symbiosis of athletic, recreational, land art and other programs. The whole area of stadium Kladivar (which is the main athletic venue of the city) becomes Celje's central park with an important role as a social catalyst.

Keywords:park, sports, land art, athletics, sustainability, organic architecture

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