In her master's thesis, the author examined the psychological, physical, and spiritual preparation for childbirth and the experience of giving birth. The theoretical part describes pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period. The thesis presents preparation for the childbirth as well as the characteristics of acupuncture, hypnosis, yoga, doulas, reading materials, and parenting classes. The author also highlighted the importance of social support during pregnancy.
In the empirical part of the thesis, the author used a phenomenological method to explore the psychological, physical, and spiritual preparation for childbirth and the experience of giving birth. The study included seven participants who took part in semi-structured interviews. The results revealed that, in cases of a desired pregnancy, mothers quickly begin creating optimal conditions and planning their birth of a child, motivated by the desire for a positive birth experience. Women perceive childbirth as a transformative experience that shapes their role as mothers, and they express gratitude for it, regardless of the specifics of their birth experience. Preparation for childbirth marks the beginning of forming a bond with the unborn child, which, together with the birth experience, influences the perception of the newborn. The birth experience and preparation for childbirth actively shape the postpartum experience, helping mothers adapt more easily to changes. Participants emphasized the importance of their partner’s support and involvement in both childbirth preparation and the birthing process. They prepared psychologically, physically, and spiritually, with findings showing that preparation, regardless of its form, brought a sense of calmness, relaxation, and peace, as well as a feeling that they had done their best. Ultimately, all forms of preparation had a psychological effect, giving mothers a sense of control, confidence, and courage. Finally, all participants found childbirth preparation beneficial and would recommend it to all pregnant women.