The personnel acquisition is one of the fundamental aspects of the whole recruitment and
selection process. A sufficient number of personnel recruited enables institutions to function
normally and perform all the tasks. Without timely and active recruitment of personnel within
the military institution may result in various problems, namely reduction of units,
reconfiguration of formation duties, inability to perform set tasks and, consequently, inability
to defend the country. Personnel acquisition is a complex process that cannot be fully
explained by a single theoretical framework. The key theory is that of occupational choice,
which encompasses other theories covering economic, sociological, psychological, and other
factors of occupational choice. Over time, more or less elaborate theories of career choice
have emerged, rooted in particular scientific disciplines. Consequently, the system of
recruiting personnel in the armed forces that each country chooses to adopt is also important.
A thorough analysis requires a comprehensive analysis of the system related to the decisions
that lead recruiters to join the Slovenian Armed Forces. The methods employed to attract
personnel to a very specific institution such as the armed forces are becoming an increasingly
more complex and multifaceted process. The challenges in Primorska are analysed on the
basis of the existing theories, an evaluation of the relevant literature, and expert interviews.
Employment opportunities, demographics and the lack of knowledge about the Slovenian
Armed Forces or its non-existence in the Primorska region are identified as the key factors.