
Izzivi pridobivanja kadrov za Slovensko vojsko na Primorskem : magistrsko delo
ID Urh, Vladimir (Author), ID Jelušič, Ljubica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Postopek pridobivanja kadrov je eden od osnovnih postopkov celotnega procesa pridobivanja in zaposlovanja. Zadostno število pridobljenega kadra omogoča normalno delovanje institucije in opravljanje vseh njenih nalog. Brez pravočasnega in aktivnega pridobivanja kadra v vojaško institucijo se pojavi problem zmanjševanja enot, spreminjanja formacijskih dolžnosti, nezmožnosti opravljanja zastavljenih nalog in posledično tudi nezmožnost obrambe države. Pridobivanje kadra je kompleksen proces, ki ga ena sama teorija ne pokrije. Ključna je teorija poklicne izbire in znotraj nje ostale teorije, ki pokrivajo ekonomske, sociološke, psihološke in druge dejavnike izbire poklica. Tako so se skozi čas oblikovale bolj ali manj razdelane teorije poklicne izbire, ki temeljijo na posameznih znanstvenih disciplinah. Pomemben je posledično tudi sistem popolnjevanja oboroženih sil, za katerega se posamezna država odloči. Za temeljito analizo je potrebno celostno poznavanje sistema, vezanega na odločitve, ki privedejo do želje po zaposlitvi v Slovensko vojsko na Primorskem. Načini, kako privabiti kader v zelo specifičen sistem, kakor je vojska, postaja vedno večji in vsestranski proces. Izzivi na Primorskem so analizirani na obstoječih teorijah ter preverjeni v relevantni literaturi in ekspertnimi intervjuji. Kot ključni dejavniki se pojavljajo zaposlitvene možnosti, demografija in nepoznavanje ali neobstoj Slovenske vojske na področju Primorske.

Keywords:Slovenska vojska, pridobivanje kadra, Primorska, poklicna izbira
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:V. Urh
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (121 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-166817 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:224660483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.01.2025
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Secondary language

Title:The Challenges of personnel acquisition for the Slovenian Armed Forces in Primorska
The personnel acquisition is one of the fundamental aspects of the whole recruitment and selection process. A sufficient number of personnel recruited enables institutions to function normally and perform all the tasks. Without timely and active recruitment of personnel within the military institution may result in various problems, namely reduction of units, reconfiguration of formation duties, inability to perform set tasks and, consequently, inability to defend the country. Personnel acquisition is a complex process that cannot be fully explained by a single theoretical framework. The key theory is that of occupational choice, which encompasses other theories covering economic, sociological, psychological, and other factors of occupational choice. Over time, more or less elaborate theories of career choice have emerged, rooted in particular scientific disciplines. Consequently, the system of recruiting personnel in the armed forces that each country chooses to adopt is also important. A thorough analysis requires a comprehensive analysis of the system related to the decisions that lead recruiters to join the Slovenian Armed Forces. The methods employed to attract personnel to a very specific institution such as the armed forces are becoming an increasingly more complex and multifaceted process. The challenges in Primorska are analysed on the basis of the existing theories, an evaluation of the relevant literature, and expert interviews. Employment opportunities, demographics and the lack of knowledge about the Slovenian Armed Forces or its non-existence in the Primorska region are identified as the key factors.

Keywords:Slovenian Armed Forces, personnel acquisition, Primorska, vocational choice

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