
Analiza inšpekcijskega nadzora zakonske dostopnosti javnih spletišč v Sloveniji : diplomsko delo
ID Klemenc, Veronika (Author), ID Kovač, Polonca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dostopnost javnih spletišč za osebe, ki imajo različne oblike oviranosti, je ključno vprašanje v dobi digitalne družbe. Kljub zakonskim predpisom v Sloveniji še vedno obstaja veliko javnih spletnih strani, ki niso dostopne določenim skupinam oseb. To povzroča diskriminatorno in neenakopravno pridobivanje informacij, ki pa je v nasprotju z Ustavo Republike Slovenije. Ključno je, da se nad dostopnostjo javnih spletišč izvaja inšpekcijski nadzor, ki preprečuje kršenje zakonskih določb in s tem zagotavlja enakopravno vključevanje vseh državljanov v družbo. Gre za upravni postopek, ki zahteva sistematičen pregled spletišča v skladu s predpisanimi zakoni in standardi. Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati ključne dejavnike za obširno nedostopnost javnih spletišč v Sloveniji ter ukrepe, ki se izvajajo za izboljšanje problematike. V diplomskem delu je uporabljena normativna metoda za dele, kjer se opisujejo zakonske določbe, komparativna metoda pri raziskovanju razlik inšpekcijskih nadzorov v letih 2022 in 2023, deskriptivna metoda za definiranje pojmov ter metoda analize, kjer sem analizirala podatke opravljenih inšpekcijskih pregledov. V diplomskem delu je bilo ugotovljeno, da se povečuje tako število opravljenih inšpekcijskih pregledov kot tudi kompleksnost izvedbe. Poleg tega se je med proučevanima letoma povišala raven ozaveščanja zavezancev. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se število izdanih odločb ne povečuje, kar nakazuje na učinkovito delovanje inšpektorata na področju preventivnega delovanja. Ugotovitve v diplomskem delu bodo pripomogle k večjemu razumevanju problema dostopnosti javnih spletišč. Raziskava nudi podlago za nadaljnja raziskovanja, ki bodo pripomogla k večji meri dostopnosti javnih spletišč.

Keywords:dostopnost, inšpekcijski nadzor, oviranosti, diskriminacija, digitalna vključenost, javne storitve, informacijska družba, upravni postopek, Zakon o splošnem upravnem postopku
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Klemenc]
Number of pages:IX, 50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-166719 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:223697667 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.01.2025
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the inspection of the legal accessibility of public websites in Slovenia
Accessibility of public websites for individuals with various forms of disabilities is a key issue in the digital society. Despite legal regulations in Slovenia, there are still many public websites that are not accessible to certain groups of people. This leads to discriminatory and unequal access to information, which contradicts the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. It is crucial that inspections are carried out to monitor the accessibility of public websites, preventing violations of legal provisions and ensuring equal inclusion of all citizens in society. It is an administrative procedure that requires a systematic review of the website in accordance with established laws and standards. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the key factors contributing to the widespread inaccessibility of public websites in Slovenia, as well as the measures being implemented to address this issue. The thesis utilizes a normative method for sections describing legal provisions, a comparative method for researching the differences in inspections conducted in 2022 and 2023, a descriptive method for defining concepts, and an analytical method where I analyzed data from completed inspection reviews. In the diploma thesis, it was found that both the number of inspections performed and the complexity of the implementation are increasing. Additionally, the level of awareness among individuals increased between the two studied years. It was noted that the number of issued orders has not increased, indicating the inspectorate's effectiveness in preventive actions. The findings in this thesis will contribute to a better understanding of the issue of public website accessibility. The research provides a basis for further studies that will enhance the accessibility of public websites.

Keywords:accessibility, inspection oversight, disabilities, discrimination, digital inclusion, public services, information society, administrative procedure, General Administrative Procedure Act

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