
Razmejevanje med delovnim časom in počitkom v luči razlage prava Evropske unije
ID Komac, Aneja (Author), ID Rataj, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi sem iskala odgovor na vprašanje, kje se nahaja ločnica med delovnim časom in časom počitka v pravu Evropske unije. Sam pomen omejevanja delovnega časa je bil prepoznan v različnih mednarodnih delovnopravnih aktih, redkokje pa so delovni čas in počitek dejansko definirali. Definicijo je tako mogoče najti zgolj v členu 2 Direktive 2003/88/ES o določenih vidikih organizacije delovnega časa, ki delovni čas definira kot vsak čas, v katerem delavec dela, je na razpolago delodajalcu in opravlja svoje naloge ali dolžnosti v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo in/ali prakso, počitek pa kot čas, ki ni delovni čas. Definicija in razmejitev med obema institutoma deluje sicer precej jasna, razvoj tehnologije in pojav novih oblik dela pa kažeta, da temu ni tako. Države članice Evropske unije so na Sodišče Evropske unije naslovile že precej predhodnih vprašanj, navezujoč na razmejitev delovnega časa in počitka, predvsem navezujoč na vštevanje odmorov, poti na in iz dela ter pripravljenosti na delo v delovni čas. Bistvo razmejitve predstavlja dejstvo, ali lahko posameznik v posamezni kategoriji prosto razpolaga s časom in se posveča lastnim interesom brez objektivnih in bistvenih omejitev. Tako bo za delovni čas gotovo šlo, če delavec opravlja dežurstvo in mora biti prisoten na delovnem mestu (ne glede na to, ali ta čas dela ali počiva), v primeru, da je v pripravljenosti na domu, pa je odločitev odvisna od okoliščin posameznega primera - na primer od zahtevanega odzivnega časa za prihod na delo, pogostosti intervencij, posebnih značilnosti poklica, kakovosti časa, ki ga delavec preživi v času, ko je v pripravljenosti, zahtevane fizične prisotnosti na delovnem mestu, obveznosti odzivanja na klice, možnosti opravljanja druge pridobitne dejavnosti in obstoja sankcij za neukrepanje.

Keywords:delovni čas, počitek, razmejevanje med delovnim časom in počitkom, odmor, prevoz na delo, dežurstvo, pripravljenost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-166373 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:223608579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.01.2025
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Secondary language

Title:Distinction between working time and rest period in the light of European Union law
In my master’s thesis, I was looking for an answer to the question of where the dividing line between working time and rest period lies. The importance and the purpose of limiting working time has been recognised in various international labour law documents, but very few have actually defined working time and rest periods. Thus, a definition can only be found in Article 2 of Directive 2003/88/EC concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time, which defines working time as any time during which a worker works, is at the disposal of the employer and performs his/her tasks or duties in accordance with national law and/or practice, and rest periods as time other than working time. While the definition and distinction between the two is quite clear, the advancement of technology and the emergence of new forms of work show that this is not the case. European Union Member States have referred a number of preliminary questions to the Court of Justice of the European Union on the delimitation of working time and rest, in particular regarding breaks, travel to and from work and stand-by time. The distinction essentially rests upon the question whether the individual in each category is free to manage his or her time and pursue his or her own interests without objective and very significant constraints. Thus, if a worker is on call and has to be present at the workplace (whether working or resting during this time), this will certainly be working time; if he is on stand-by at home, the decision will depend on the circumstances of the individual case - for example, the response time required to arrive at work, the frequency of interventions, the specific characteristics of the occupation, the quality of the time spent on standby, the physical presence required at the workplace, the obligation to respond to calls, the possibility of engaging in other gainful activity and the existence of sanctions for inaction.

Keywords:working time, rest period, distinction between working time and rest period, break, commuting, stand-by

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