
Antropološki izzivi kateheze v času umetne inteligence
ID Stegu, Tadej (Author)

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Prispevek se posveča vprašanju, kako se kateheza odziva na bliskovit napredek digitalizacije in umetne inteligence. Transhumanistično pojmovanje človeka z obljubami o odrešenju od trpljenja in smrti ter večnem življenju kot skorajšnji posledici razvoja umetne inteligence osvetljuje človekova večna eksistencialna vprašanja in izzive. Nekatere smeri transhumanizma verjamejo, da bo človekovo zavest mogoče kmalu prevesti v digitalno obliko in tako človeka osvoboditi telesa, bolečine in smrti – temeljni izziv sodobne kateheze je torej antropološko vprašanje. Prispevek raziskuje, kako lahko soočenje transhumanističnega in svetopisemskega razumevanja človeka katehezi pomaga pri izčiščenju in kerigmatični prenovi. Kerigmatična prenova kateheze poudarja lepoto krščanskega življenja, odrešenja v Kristusu ter odnosov v krščanskem občestvu. V tem se bistveno razlikuje od transhumanistične vizije osebe, ki pri osebi njen odnosni značaj ignorira. Ugotavljamo, da se kerigmatična kateheza vse bolj vrača k biblični antropologiji, na kateri sloni tudi teologija telesa. Teologija telesa poudarja, da človek ni ustvarjen kot predmet, temveč kot oseba, ki je ljubljena in sposobna ljubiti in je v tem imago Dei, ustvarjena po Božji podobi.

Keywords:umetna inteligenca, transhumanizem, eksistencialna vprašanja, teologija telesa, odrešenje, kerigma, kateheza
Work type:Article
Typology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Publication status:In print
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:01.01.2024
Number of pages:Str. 909-919
Numbering:Letn. 84, [št.] 4
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-166265 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0006-5722
DOI:10.34291/BV2024/04/Stegu This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:220613891 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.12.2024
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Bogoslovni vestnik : glasilo Teološke fakultete v Ljubljani
Shortened title:Bogosl. vestn.
Publisher:Teološka fakulteta
COBISS.SI-ID:8745472 This link opens in a new window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.

Secondary language

Title:Anthropological challenges of catechesis in the age of artificial intelligence
The paper addresses the question of how catechesis is responding to the rapid advances in digitalisation and artificial intelligence. The development of digital technologies and the great advances in the development of artificial intelligence represent a profound social transformation that is radically reshaping the world of human life, changing the way we think and experience, and challenging the human understanding of ourselves and of reality. How should catechesis respond to the rapid advances of digitalization and artificial intelligence, how should it engage with modern man? The transhumanist view of man, which promises man redemption from suffering and death and eternal life as a direct result of the development of artificial intelligence, sheds light on the eternal existential questions and challenges facing humanity. Some currents of transhumanism believe that it will soon be possible to transfer man’s consciousness into a digital form and thus free them from their bodies, their pain and their death. The anthropological question thus becomes a fundamental challenge for today's catechesis. In this article, we explore how the confrontation between the transhumanist and the biblical understanding of the human person can help catechesis to purify and renew itself kerygmatically. The kerygmatic renewal of catechesis emphasises the beauty of the Christian life, of salvation in Christ and of relationships in the Christian community. In this it differs fundamentally from the transhumanist vision of the person, which ignores its relational character. We note that kerygmatic catechesis is increasingly based on the biblical anthropology that underlies the theology of the body. The theology of the body emphasises that the human person is not created as an object, but as a person who is loved and capable of loving, and who in this imago Dei is created in the image of God.

Keywords:artificial intelligence, transhumanism, existential questions, theology of the body, salvation, kerygma, catechesis


Funder:ARIS - Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Project number:P6-0269
Name:Religija, etika, edukacija in izzivi sodobne družbe

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