
Razvoj in ovrednotenje modela DAPO za akademsko založništvo
ID Strlič, Lan (Author), ID Stankovski, Vlado (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tradicionalni modeli akademskega založništva se soočajo s številnimi pomanjkljivostmi, kot so visoki stroški objave, pomanjkanje transparentnosti, centralizacija procesov ter omejen dostop do znanstvene literature. Model DAPO ponuja decentralizirano rešitev, vendar vsebuje omejitve, kot so omejena modularnost pametnih pogodb, pomanjkljivo upravljanje identitet ter omejen recenzijski proces. V tem magistrskem delu smo osnovni model DAPO nadgradili z decentraliziranimi identifikatorji, avtomatiziranim dodeljevanjem recenzentov in podporo za več iteracij recenzij. Prav tako smo implementirali decentralizirano shranjevanje člankov in recenzij na IPFS, optimizirali modularne pametne pogodbe in razvili prilagojen uporabniški vmesnik. Rezultati so pokazali, da nadgradnje povečujejo transparentnost postopkov oddaje in recenziranja člankov, pravičnost dodeljevanja nalog in dostopnost znanstvenih vsebin. Stroškovna učinkovitost omogoča dostop tudi manjšim institucijam. Transparentno beleženje interakcij na verigi blokov in trajna hramba podatkov na IPFS pa povečujeta zaupanje v sistem. Nadgrajeni model DAPO ponuja pravičen, pregleden, sledljiv, transparenten in dostopen akademski ekosistem, ki zmanjšuje globalne neenakosti v dostopu do znanja ter izboljšuje kakovost in trajnost akademskih procesov.

Keywords:akademsko založništvo, decentralizacija, pametne pogodbe, veriga blokov, decentralizirani identifikatorji, preverljive poverilnice, DID, VC, recenzija, IPFS
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-165885 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:218885379 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.12.2024
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Title:Development and Evaluation of a DAPO Model for Academic Publishing
Traditional academic publishing models face numerous shortcomings, such as high publication costs, lack of transparency, centralized processes, and limited access to scientific literature. The DAPO model offers a decentralized solution but has limitations, including restricted modularity of smart contracts, inadequate identity management, and a limited peer review process. In this thesis, we enhanced the basic DAPO model by integrating decentralized identifiers, automated reviewer assignment, and support for multiple review iterations. We also implemented decentralized storage of articles and reviews on IPFS, optimized modular smart contracts, and developed a tailored user interface. The results show that these upgrades improve the transparency of article submission and review processes, the fairness of task allocation, and the accessibility of scientific content. Cost efficiency enables access also for smaller institutions. Transparent recording of interactions on the blockchain and permanent data storage on IPFS increase trust in the system. The upgraded DAPO model provides a fair, transparent, traceable, and accessible academic ecosystem that reduces global inequalities in access to knowledge and enhances the quality and sustainability of academic processes.

Keywords:academic publishing, decentralization, smart contracts, blockchain, decentralized identifiers, verifiable credentials, DID, VC, peer review, IPFS

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