
Primerjava slovenske stanovanjske politike z drugimi državami na podlagi koncepta države blaginje : magistrsko delo
ID Kogovšek, Stanka (Author), ID Stanimirović, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na podlagi Joris Hoekstrove reinterpretacije Esping-Andersenove tipologije države blaginje na stanovanjsko področje so v nalogi proučene in primerjane stanovanjske politike Slovenije, Češke, Hrvaške in Latvije skozi vpogled v podatke o subvencioniranju stanovanj, regulacije cen in najemnin stanovanj, pravil in postopkov dodelitve neprofitnih najemnih stanovanj ter organizacije zagotavljanja novogradenj stanovanj. Namen je bil ugotoviti, v čem so si stanovanjske politike držav različne in v čem podobne, koliko sredstev države namenjajo različnim segmentom stanovanjskega področja ter katere spremembe oziroma ukrepi v stanovanjski politiki Slovenije bi bili ključni za večjo dosegljivost stanovanj v prihodnosti. Za dosego namena so bile uporabljene metode študija literature, analize in primerjave primarnih in sekundarnih virov, analiza proračunov države ter intervjuja. Ugotovitve kažejo, da Hrvaška in Latvija ne omogočata subvencioniranja najemnin stanovanj, Slovenija pa ne omogoča subvencij za nakup, gradnjo ter razvoj cenovno dostopnih najemnih stanovanj. Subvencioniranju stanovanj je Slovenija (2015–2022) namenila najmanj sredstev, Češka največ. Tudi za razvoj cenovno dostopnih stanovanj je Slovenija (2015–2022) namenila najmanj sredstev, Latvija največ. Neprofitna najemnina je regulirana v Sloveniji in na Češkem. Postopek dodeljevanja neprofitnih najemnih stanovanj je reguliran samo v Sloveniji. Vse države imajo najmanjši prispevek k novogradnji stanovanj. Za večjo dosegljivost stanovanj v Sloveniji so potrebne spremembe na področju zagotavljanja zemljišč za gradnjo stanovanj, uvedba sistemskega vira financiranja gradnje javnih najemnih stanovanj, uvedba stroškovne najemnine in pokrivanje stroškov subvencij neprofitnih najemnin s strani države. Zbrani podatki so v pomoč za nadaljnje raziskovanje stanovanjskih politik držav ter vpogled akterjem stanovanjske politike, na kaj naj bodo pozorni pri snovanju slednje.

Keywords:država blaginje, stanovanjska politika, subvencioniranje stanovanj, dodeljevanje stanovanj, dostopnost stanovanj
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Kogovšek]
Number of pages:X, 79 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-165657 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:218834691 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.12.2024
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Secondary language

Title:A comparison of Slovenian housing policy with other countries based on the of the welfare state concept
Based on Joris Hoektra's reinterpretation of Esping-Andersen's typology of the welfare state into the housing sector, this thesis examines and compares the housing policies of Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Croatia, and Latvia. This analysis is based on data regarding housing subsidies, regulation of prices and rents, rules and procedures for the allocation of non-profit rental housing, and the organization of housing construction projects. The aim was to determine the differences and similarities in the housing policies of the countries, the amount of funding each country allocates to different segments of the housing sector, and the key changes or measures in Slovenia's housing policy that would improve housing accessibility in the future. To achieve this aim, the study employed the literature review method, analysis and comparison of primary and secondary sources, analysis of state budgets, and interviews. The research results show that Croatia and Latvia do not provide subsidies for housing rents and that Slovenia does not provide any subsidies for housing purchase or construction or for the development of affordable rental housing. Slovenia allocated the least funds for housing subsidies (2015–2022), while the Czech Republic allocated the most. Similarly, Slovenia allocated the least for the development of affordable housing, and Latvia allocated the most. Non-profit rent is regulated in Slovenia and the Czech Republic. The process for allocating non-profit rental housing is only regulated in Slovenia. All countries contribute minimally to the number of newly built housing units. To improve housing accessibility in Slovenia, key changes include securing land for housing construction, permanent systemic funding source for public rental housing construction, introducing cost-based rents, and ensuring the state covers the costs of non-profit rent subsidies. The gathered data supports further research into the housing policies of these countries and provides insight for housing policy actors regarding the key considerations in policy formulation.

Keywords:welfare state, housing policy, housing subsidies, housing allocation, housing accessibility

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