
Ozaveščenost zaposlenih o sistemu vodenja kakovosti v izbranem javnem zavodu : diplomsko delo
ID Wyss, Jasmina (Author), ID Benčina, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sistem vodenja kakovosti predstavlja obliko vzajemnega delovanja medsebojno odvisnih gradnikov, ki tvorijo celoto s skupnim namenom in ciljem. Da bi zavod uspešno uresničeval zahteve in sledil smernicam kakovostne obravnave, je njegova ključna naloga, da poskrbi za opolnomočenje zaposlenih. Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri so zaposleni ozaveščeni o sistemu vodenja kakovosti v izbranem javnem zavodu, kako dobro poznajo navedeni sistem, kakšna je zavzetost zaposlenih in kako učinkovita je njihova medsebojna komunikacija. Gre za to, da se ugotovi, kako izboljšati ozaveščenost zaposlenih o kakovosti ter s tem prispevati k bolj kakovostnemu delu in storitvam. Opazovani dejavniki bodo zavodu omogočili vpogled v trenutno stanje, zato je razumevanje teh vidikov ključno za izboljšanje vodenja kakovosti v zavodu in njene ozaveščenosti med zaposlenimi. Cilj diplomskega dela je predstaviti sistem vodenja kakovosti v izbranem javnem zavodu ter ugotoviti stopnjo ozaveščenost zaposlenih o sistemu vodenja kakovosti preko treh opazovanih dejavnikov: poznavanja sistema kakovosti, zavzetosti in komunikacije med zaposlenimi. Opazovan je bil odnos med njimi, njihov vpliv na ozaveščenost zaposlenih o sistemu vodenja kakovosti in kateri dejavniki vplivajo na spremembo ozaveščenosti pri zaposlenih. Glede na namen in cilje so bile preverjene tri hipoteze, od katerih sta bili dve potrjeni in ena ovržena. V prvi hipotezi je bilo predpostavljeno, da je zaposleni z daljšo delovno dobo bolj ozaveščen o sistemu vodenja kakovosti kot mlajši. Druga hipoteza je predpostavljala pozitiven vpliv dejavnikov zavzetosti, učinkovite komunikacije in poznavanja sistema kakovosti na ozaveščenost zaposlenih, zadnja pa, da ima poznavanje sistema kakovosti največji vpliv na ozaveščenost. Vpliv med pojmi je bil analiziran z regresijsko analizo.

Keywords:management, sistem vodenja kakovosti, ozaveščenost, zavzetost, komunikacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Wyss]
Number of pages:IX, 50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-165656 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:219821059 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.12.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Employee awareness of the quality management sistem in the selected public institution
The quality management system represents a form of mutual interaction between interdependent components, forming a whole with a common purpose and goal. For an institution to successfully meet requirements and follow the guidelines for quality care, its key task is to empower the employees. The purpose of the thesis is to determine the extent to which employees are aware of the quality management system in the selected public institution, how well they understand the system, the level of employee engagement, and the effectiveness of their mutual communication. The purpose is to determine how to enhance employee awareness of quality, thereby contributing to improved work performance and the delivery of higher quality services. These observed factors will provide the institution with an insight into the current state, making it crucial to understand these aspects to improve quality management and awareness among employees. The aim of the thesis is to present the quality management system in the selected public institution and to assess the level of employee awareness of the system through three observed factors: knowledge of the quality system, engagement, and communication amog employees. The relationships between these factors were observed, as well as their influence on employees awareness of the quality management system and the factors affecting changes in their awareness. Based on the purpose and objectives, three hypotheses were tested, two of which were confirmed and one rejected. The first hypothesis assumed that employees with longer tenure are more aware of the quality management system than younger employees. The second hypothesis proposed a positive influence of engagement, effective communication and knowledge of the quality system on employee awareness, while the final hypothesis proposed that knowledge of the quality system has the greatest influence on awareness. Relationships between these concepts were analyzed using regression analysis.

Keywords:managemet, quality system, awareness, engagement, communication

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