
Simetrija mišične zmogljivosti in funkcije spodnjih udov pri mladih košarkarjih in košarkaricah : magistrsko delo
ID Urbančič, Špela (Author), ID Grapar Žargi, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kacin, Alan (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Asimetrija mišične zmogljivosti in funkcije spodnjih udov, ki presega 10 %, predstavlja pomemben dejavnik tveganja za poškodbe kolenskega sklepa, ki spada med najpogosteje poškodovane sklepe pri košarkarjih. Za vrednotenje simetrije se najpogosteje uporabljajo izokinetično testiranje in športno specifični funkcijski testi. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kakšen je indeks simetrije spodnjih udov mladih košarkarjev in košarkaric in tako ugotoviti potrebo po razvoju preventivnih programov in uvajanju teh programov v trenažni proces. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 43 košarkarjev in košarkaric, starih med 13 in 20 let, ki v preteklosti niso bili odsotni iz trenažnega procesa več kot šest mesecev zaradi poškodbe. Protokol testiranja je zajemal izokinetično testiranje koncentrične jakosti fleksorjev in ekstenzorjev kolena pri kotnih hitrostih 60°/s, 180°/s in 240°/s, Y test ravnotežja in enonožni vertikalni skok z nasprotnim gibanjem (SCMJ). Pri izokinetičnem testiranju smo primerjali največji navor, opravljeno delo in povprečno moč fleksorjev in ekstenzorjev ter razmerja teh parametrov med fleksorji in ekstenzorji, pri Y testu smo izmerili normalizirane razdalje v posameznih smereh in skupni rezultat, pri SCMJ smo preučili višino skoka, največjo silo/telesno težo, povprečno proizvedeno moč in hitrost razvoja sile. Za normalno porazdeljene spremenljivke smo izvedli t-test za primerjavo povprečij med spoloma, za nenormalno porazdeljene spremenljivke pa neparametrični test za primerjavo vzorcev. S statističnim testom ?2 smo preverili, ali se delež preiskovancev z asimetrijo > 10 % razlikuje glede na spol, pri izokinetičnem testiranju pa tudi glede na kotno hitrost pri posameznem spolu. Rezultati: Povprečen indeks asimetrije je klinično pomembno povečan pri 13 od 35-ih merjenih parametrih pri košarkarjih in pri 9-ih parametrih pri košarkaricah. Statistično pomembne razlike merjenih parametrov med spoloma smo ugotovili samo pri parametru povprečno proizvedene moči pri SCMJ. Pri večini parametrov je delež preiskovancev s kritično povečano asimetrijo večji od 20 % preiskovancev ločeno po spolih. Razprava in zaključek: Kljub temu, da so izmerjene asimetrije pod klinično pomembno mejo, pa je delež le teh znotraj populacije relativno visok, zato bi bilo potrebno uvesti preventivna testiranja med mladimi športniki in preventivne programe z namenom zmanjševanja pojavnosti poškodb.

Keywords:magistrska dela, fizioterapija, simetrija spodnjih udov, košarka, izokinetično testiranje, testiranje v funkciji, Y test ravnotežja, enonožni vertikalni skok z nasprotnim gibanjem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Š. Urbančič]
Number of pages:42 str., [6] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-165394 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:217920771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.12.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Symmetry of muscular performance and lower limb function in young male and female basketball players : master thesis
Introduction: Asymmetry in muscle performance and function of the lower limbs exceeding 10% represents a significant risk factor for knee joint injuries, which are among the most frequently injured joints in basketball players. To assess symmetry, isokinetic testing and sport-specific functional tests are most commonly used. Purpose: Purpose of this master's thesis was to determine the symmetry index of the lower limbs in young male and female basketball players and to assess the need for the development and implementation of preventive programs within the training process. Methods: The study included 43 male and female basketball players aged 13 to 20 years who had not been absent from the training process for more than six months due to injury. The testing protocol consisted of isokinetic testing of the concentric strength of the knee flexors and extensors at angular velocities of 60°/s, 180°/s, and 240°/s, a Y balance test, and a single-leg countermovement jump (SCMJ). The isokinetic testing evaluated peak torque, work done, and average power of the flexors and extensors, as well as the ratios of these parameters between the flexors and extensors. The Y balance test measured normalized distances in specific directions and the overall result, while the SCMJ assessed jump height, maximum force/body weight ratio, average power produced, and the rate of force development. For normally distributed variables, a t-test was conducted to compare averages between genders, and for non-normally distributed variables, a non-parametric test was used to compare samples. A χ2 statistical test was performed to determine whether the proportion of subjects with an asymmetry > 10% differed by gender and, for isokinetic testing, according to angular velocity within each gender. Results: The average asymmetry index was clinically significantly elevated in 13 out of 35 measured parameters for male basketball players and in 9 parameters for female basketball players. Statistically significant differences between genders were observed only for the parameter of average power produced in the SCMJ. For the majority of parameters, the proportion of subjects with critically elevated asymmetry exceeded 20%, analyzed separately by gender. Discussion and Conclusion: Although the measured asymmetries are below the clinically significant threshold, their prevalence within the population is relatively high. Therefore, it would be necessary to introduce preventive testing among young athletes and implement preventive programs aimed at reducing the incidence of injuries.

Keywords:master's theses, physiotherapy, lower limb symmetry, basketball, isokinetic testing, functional testing, Y Balance Test, single-leg countermovement jump

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