
Analiza pilotnih sistemov biološke in katalitične metanacije
ID Salopek, Matic (Author), ID Zupančič, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Golobič, Iztok (Comentor)

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Zahteve po zmanjševanju izpustov toplogrednih plinov pospešujejo razvoj različnih okoljskih tehnologij, kamor sodi tudi proces metanacije. Posvetimo razlogom za uporabo te tehnologije, teoretični predstavitvi procesa in tudi praktični izvedbi. Obravnavano delo poleg procesa metanacije predstavi tudi pridobivanje obnovljivega vodika ter predstavitev glavnih lastnosti vodika, ki imajo vpliv na njegovo shranjevanje, transport in uporabo predvsem iz varnostnega vidika. Predstavljeni so različni tipi procesa metanacije, ki jih lahko v osnovi razdelimo na katalitične in biološke procese. Čeprav je razvoj metanacije v vzponu, že obstajajo pilotni sistemi, ki uspešno izvajajo ta proces, nekateri izmed njih so tudi predstavljeni znotraj naloge. Del naloge je tudi postavitev eksperimentalnega sistema metanacije na laboratorijskem nivoju, pri zasnovi pa izhajamo iz predhodnih eksperimentov v laboratoriju in sistemov, ki se pojavijo v literaturi. Glavna posebnost naše eksperimentalne proge je ta, da omogoča opazovanje reakcijske cone s toplotno kamero, zaradi česa je potrebno poiskati ustrezne rešitve predvsem pri zasnovi reaktorja za metanacijo. Zaradi prisotnosti gorljivih plinov namenimo pozornosti tudi zagotavljanju varnosti med izvajanjem eksperimentov, kar storimo s pravilno rabo varnostne opreme.

Keywords:katalitična metanacija biološka metanacija vodik elektroliza varnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-165341 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.12.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of Pilot Systems for Biological and Catalytic Methanation
The thesis focuses on the methanation process, starting with an exploration of the reasons for using this technology and a theoretical presentation of the process. It also includes an overview of renewable hydrogen production and the key properties of hydrogen that affect its storage, transport, and usage, particularly from a safety perspective. Various types of methanation processes are presented, which can generally be divided into two types: catalytic and biological. The development of methanation is still on the rise, however there are already pilot systems that successfully implement it, and some of them are discussed within the thesis. Part of the thesis also involves setting up an experimental methanation system on a laboratory scale, building upon previous laboratory experiments and systems found in the literature. The main feature of our experimental setup is that it allows for the observation of the reaction zone with thermal camera, which requires finding appropriate solutions, particularly in the design of the methanation reactor. Due to the presence of flammable gases, attention is also given to ensuring safety during the experiments, which is achieved through the correct use of safety equipment.

Keywords:catalytic methanation biological methanation hydrigen elekctrolysis safety

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