
Vloga medicinske sestre pri obravnavi pacienta z zunanjo ventrikularno drenažo : diplomsko delo
ID Žužek, Beti (Author), ID Ravljen, Mirjam (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gogova, Tina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Zunanja ventrikularna drenaža je medicinski pripomoček, ki se uporablja pri zdravljenju pacienta z nevrološkimi poškodbami ali obolenji, pri katerih je povišan intrakranialni tlak. Drenaža omogoča neprekinjen nadzor nad intrakranialnim tlakom, iztekanje odvečnega likvorja ali krvi kot tudi aplikacijo zdravil in odvzem vzorcev likvorja. Vloga medicinske sestre pri oskrbi pacienta z zunanjo ventrikularno drenažo je bistvenega pomena za zagotavljanje varne in učinkovite oskrbe, kar je ključno za uspešnost zdravljenja in izboljšanje pacientovega stanja. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti zunanjo ventrikularno drenažo, vstavitev in delovanje sistema, opredeliti vlogo medicinske sestre pri oskrbi pacienta z drenažo ter predstaviti najpogostejše zaplete, ki se lahko pojavijo pri pacientu. Metode dela: Diplomsko delo temelji na deskriptivni metodi dela s pregledom strokovne in znanstvene literature s poudarkom na novejši literaturi, ki je bila dostopna v celotnem obsegu, in sicer v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Iskanje literature je potekalo preko oddaljenega dostopa v podatkovnih bazah: CINAHL Ultimate, ScienceDirect, Cochrane Library, PubMed, MEDLINE in COBIB. Rezultati: Najpogostejši zapleti pri pacientu z zunanjo ventrikularno drenažo so intrakranialne krvavitve in okužbe. Povezava med dolžino trajanja vstavljenega sistema in pojavnostjo okužbe se je potrdila v večini primerov. Ugotovljene so bile tudi druge težave, kot so povišan intrakranialni tlak zaradi zastajanja likvorja, iztekanje cerebrospinalne tekočine ob katetru drenaže in znižana perfuzija možganskega tkiva. Vloga medicinske sestre pri oskrbi pacienta z zunanjo ventrikularno drenažo je bistvenega pomena, saj spremlja intrakranialni tlak, vitalne funkcije ter preverja ustrezen položaj in delovanje sistema. Razprava in zaključek: Vloga medicinske sestre pri obravnavi pacienta z zunanjo ventrikularno drenažo je ključna za uspešno zdravljenje. S skrbnim spremljanjem in ocenjevanjem stanja pacienta, z natančnim vzdrževanjem sistema, izobraževanjem pacienta in sodelovanjem z drugimi zdravstvenimi delavci lahko medicinska sestra zmanjša tveganja za zaplete in izboljša zdravstvene izide pacienta. Nenehno izobraževanje in usposabljanje medicinske sestre je ključnega pomena za varno in učinkovito obravnavo pacienta.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, nevrologija, drenažni sistem, subarahnoidna krvavitev, hidrocefalus
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Žužek]
Number of pages:37 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-165308 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:217173251 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.12.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The role of the nurse in the treatment of the patient with external ventricular drainage : diploma work
Introduction: External ventricular drainage is a medical device used in the treatment of patients with neurological injuries or diseases in which intracranial pressure is elevated. Drainage allows continuous monitoring of intracranial pressure, drainage of excess cerebrospinal fluid or blood, as well as administration of drugs and collection of cerebrospinal fluid samples. The role of the nurse in the care of a patient with external ventricular drainage is essential to ensure safe and effective care, which is key to the success of the treatment and the improvement of the patient's condition. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to present external ventricular drainage, its placement and functioning, to define the role of the nurse in caring for patients with external ventricular drainage, and to present the most common complications that can occur in a patient with external ventricular drainage. Methods: The most common complications in a patient with external ventricular drainage are intracranial bleeding and infection. The association between the duration of the inserted system and the incidence of infection was confirmed in most cases. Other problems were also identified, such as increased intracranial pressure due to cerebrospinal fluid stagnation, leakage of cerebrospinal fluid along the drainage catheter, and decreased perfusion of brain tissue. The nurse's role in the care of a patient with external ventricular drainage is essential, as she monitors intracranial pressure, vital functions and checks the proper position and operation of the system. Results: The most common complications in a patient with external ventricular drainage are intracranial bleeding and infection. The association between the duration of the inserted system and the incidence of infection was confirmed in most cases. Other problems were also identified, such as increased intracranial pressure due to cerebrospinal fluid stagnation, leakage of cerebrospinal fluid along the drainage catheter, and decreased perfusion of brain tissue. The nurse's role in the care of a patient with external ventricular drainage is essential, as she monitors intracranial pressure, vital functions and checks the proper position and operation of the system. Discussion and conclusion: The nurse's role in managing a patient with external ventricular drainage is critical to successful treatment. Through careful monitoring and assessment of the patient's condition, accurate system maintenance, patient education, and collaboration with other healthcare professionals, the nurse can reduce the risks of complications and improve patient health outcomes. Continuing education and training of the nurse is critical to safe and effective patient care.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, neurological, drainage system, subarachnoid hemorrhage, hydrocephalus

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