
Development of structured surfaces for high heat flux nucleate boiling
ID Hadžić, Armin (Author), ID Golobič, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Može, Matic (Comentor)

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This work focuses on nucleate boiling performance improvement in high heat flux regions on structured surfaces. For this purpose, we present the development of a structured surface featuring poorly and highly wettable areas on copper substrates and capillary structured surfaces on copper and aluminum substrates. Surface engineering is achieved through the employment of chemical etching, laser texturing, and hydrophobization process. Boiling performance on engineered surfaces was evaluated using double distilled water under saturated conditions at atmospheric pressure. Capillary-engineered surfaces exhibited critical heat flux (CHF) values of up to 2609 kW m-2 (> 130 % enhancement over the reference surface) and heat transfer coefficients (HTC) of up to 242 kW m-2 K-1 (> 550 % enhancement). We also demonstrated that the appropriate surface pattern of poorly wettable regions for achieving exceptional boiling performance on superbiphilic surfaces (> 400% enhancement) may also depend on the heat flux at which the surface will operate. Moreover, this work also presents the evaluation of CHF scatter's origin performing 125 experimental runs on 25 nominally identical bare copper surfaces. We established an average boiling curve and mean CHF value, where despite consistent experimental conditions significant scattering in CHF was observed.

Keywords:nucleate boiling, boiling performance enhancement, surface structuring, capillary structured surfaces, superbiphilic surfaces, critical heat flux
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher:[A. Hadžić]
Number of pages:XXVIII, 158, [13] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-165243 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:224068099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.11.2024
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Title:Razvoj strukturiranih površin za visoke gostote toplotnega toka pri mehurčkastem vrenju
V doktorskem delu se osredotočamo na izboljšanje učinkovitosti prenosa toplote pri visokih gostotah toplotnega toka v režimu mehurčkastega vrenja na strukturiranih površinah. V ta namen predstavljamo razvoj strukturiranih bakrenih površin z nizko in visoko omočljivimi območji ter kapilarno strukturiranih aluminijastih in bakrenih površin. Za pripravo površin smo uporabili kemično jedkanje, lasersko teksturiranje in proces hidrofobizacije. Učinkovitost vrenja na obravnavanih površinah je bila ocenjena z uporabo dvakrat destilirane vode pri nasičenih pogojih pri atmosferskem tlaku. Površine s kapilarno strukturo dosegajo vrednosti kritične gostote toplotnega toka (CHF) do 2609 kW m-2 (> 130 % izboljšanja v primerjavi z referenčno površino) in koeficiente toplotne prestopnosti (HTC) do 242 kW m-2 K-1 (> 550 % izboljšanje). Pokazali smo, da je primeren vzorec bifilne površine za doseganje izjemno učinkovitega vrenja (> 400 % izboljšanje), odvisen od gostote toplotnega toka, pri katerem bo površina obratovala. V delu predstavljamo tudi oceno izvora raztrosa CHF vrednosti z izvedbo 125 meritev na 25 identičnih referenčnih bakrenih površinah. Določili smo povprečno krivuljo vrenja in povprečno vrednost CHF, s čimer smo pokazali velik raztros vrednosti CHF pri enakih eksperimentalnih pogojih.

Keywords:mehurčkasto vrenje, izboljšan prenos toplote pri vrenju, strukturiranje površine, kapilarno strukturirane površine, superbifilne površine, kritična gostota toplotnega toka

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