
Geotehnika v prometnem inženirstvu - trajnostne rešitve : diplomska naloga
ID Rupnik, Andraž (Author), ID Logar, Janko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Smolar, Jasna (Comentor)

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Trajnostni razvoj v gradbeništvu lahko pomembno prispeva k zmanjšanju okoljskih vplivov gospodarstva. Ta naloga analizira statistične podatke o količinah nastalih gradbenih odpadkov in raziskuje nekatere možne pristope za trajnostne rešitve v geotehniki prometnic. Nastajanje gradbenih odpadkov niha v povezavi z večjimi infrastrukturnimi projekti in krizami, za male donose pa se ustvari velike količine odpadkov. Količine nastalih gradbenih odpadkov so v letih 2012- 2019, v primerjavi s preteklimi leti, močno naraščale, zemeljski izkop pa je predstavljal večino gradbenih odpadkov. Okoljske vplive zemeljskih del lahko zmanjšamo z naprednejšimi pristopi za optimizacijo zemeljskih del, s tehnologijami za zmanjšanje izpustov CO2 zaradi prostega teka gradbene mehanizacije, z zmanjšanjem obremenjenosti strojev in z ukrepi za preprečevanje delcev PM10. S preudarno izbiro sestavin brizganega betona in betona za notranje obloge ter načina gradnje predorov, lahko zmanjšamo okoljske vplive predorogradnje. Za pripravo brizganega betona že obstajajo mešanice, ki imajo relativno nizke izpuste CO2. Številne LCA analize potrjujejo, da lahko uporaba geosintetikov v geotehniki prometnic pomembno zmanjša okoljske vplive. Visoki prihranki izpustov CO2 rešitev z geosintetiki v primerjavi s konvencionalnimi rešitvami se pojavijo pri uporabi za podporne zidove in kot nadomestek mineralnih materialov v filtrnih plasteh. Prednosti uporabe geosintetikov so specifične za vsak projekt, zato je za vrednotenje prednosti in slabosti določene rešitve potrebno izvesti študijo variant, ki obravnava vse faze in vidike v življenjski dobi objekta. V sklopu diplomske naloge smo za armiranobetonsko podporno konstrukcijo, načrtovano v sklopu tretje razvojne osi, izdelali alternativno rešitev – armirano zemljino. Na podlagi metod in podatkov iz literature smo izvedli primerjalno študijo izpustov CO2 armirane zemljine s polimernimi ojačitvami in armiranobetonskega zidu s konzolnim temeljem. Rezultati analize so pokazali, da večino izpustov prispevajo materiali, ki vsebujejo beton in/ali jeklo. V primeru armirane zemljine so izračunani izpusti CO2 82 % nižji kot pri armiranobetonskem zidu.

Keywords:diplomske naloge, geotehnika, trajnost, gradbeni odpadki, geosintetiki, LCA analiza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Rupnik]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datotek PDF (XI, 49 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-165167-f20a995d-45c9-fbea-a481-448bfa8bbb3a This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:217061635 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Geotehnics in transportation engineering-sustainable solutions : graduation thesis
Sustainable development in construction can significantly contribute to reducing the environmental impact of the economy. This paper analyzes statistical data on the amounts of construction waste generated and explores some potential approaches for sustainable solutions in geotechnics of transport infrastructure. The generation of construction waste fluctuates in connection with large infrastructure projects and economic crises, where significant waste volumes are created despite relatively small returns. The volume of construction waste increased substantially from 2012 to 2019 compared to previous years, with earth excavation representing the majority of the construction waste. The environmental impacts of earthworks can be reduced through advanced approaches for optimizing earthmoving operations, technologies to reduce CO2 emissions from idling construction machinery, reducing machinery load, and implementing measures to reduce the emission of PM10 particles. By carefully selecting the components of shotcrete and concrete for inner linings, as well as tunnel construction methods, we can reduce the environmental impacts of tunneling. For shotcrete production, there are already mixes available that have relatively low CO2 emissions. Numerous LCA analyses confirm that using geosynthetics in geotechnics in transportation engineering can significantly reduce environmental impacts. High CO2 savings from geosynthetic solutions, compared to coventional solutions, are achieved in applications for retaining walls and as a replacement for mineral materials in filter layers. The advantages of the use of geosynthetics are specific to each project, so a comparative study is needed to assess the pros and cons of a given solution, addressing all phases and aspects in the life cycle of the structure. As part of the thesis, we developed an alternative solution—reinforced soil—for a reinforced concrete retaining structure planned within the scope of the Tretja razvojna os project. Based on methods and data from the literature, we conducted a comparative study of CO2 emissions between reinforced soil with polymer reinforcements and a reinforced concrete cantilever wall. The analysis showed that materials containing concrete and/or steel contribute the most emissions. In the case of reinforced soil, calculated CO2 emissions are 82% lower than those for the reinforced concrete wall.

Keywords:graduation thesis, geotechnics, sustainability, construction waste, geosynthetics, LCA analysis

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