
Razvoj hitre metode za kvalitativno določanje mikrobiološke kontaminacije na osnovi encimsko sprožene luminescence ATP
ID Merlini, Gaj (Author), ID Petković, Hrvoje (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kastelic, Vanja (Comentor)

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Namen je bil razvoj hitre metode za kvalitativno določanje mikrobiološke kontaminacije na osnovi encimsko sprožene luminiscence ATP. Nova metoda za določevanje mikrobiološke kontaminacije v sterilnih farmacevtskih izdelkih je zasnovana na uporabi instrumenta Celsis Accel, ki s pomočjo bioluminiscence dosega visoko stopnjo občutljivosti. To omogoča pridobitev rezultatov o sterilnosti izdelka v krajšem času kot standardna metoda testa sterilnosti. S pripravo redčitvenih vrst testnih mikroorganizmov smo ugotovili visoko občutljivost, tako na bakterijske kot tudi glivne celice. Z instrumentom lahko pri bakterijah zaznamo koncentracije 480±45 CFU/ml. Pri glivah pa lahko zaznamo koncentracije 35±18 CFU/ml. Sama metoda ne omogoča zaznavanja bakterijskih spor in bakterijskih endotoksinov, kar pa je prav tako pomembno za varen farmacevtski izdelek. Na rezultate analize imajo velik vpliv tekoča gojišča ki se redno uporabljajo za standardno metodo testa sterilnosti. Svetlobni signal tekočega gojišča lahko zamaskira svetlobni signal celice, s čimer lahko dobimo lažno negativni rezultat. Obravnavana metoda omogoča pridobitev rezultatov v 6-ih dneh, kar je za 8 dni hitrejše od standardnega testiranja sterilnosti. S tem je doseženo tudi hitrejše sproščanje sterilnih farmacevtski izdelkov na trg in posledično tudi hitrejša dobavo le teh do pacientov.

Keywords:mikrobiološka kontaminacija, test sterilnosti, mikrobiološke metode, bioluminiscenca ATP, Celsis Accel
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[G. Merlini]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-165102 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:216247555 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a rapid method for qualitative detection of microbiological contamination based on enzymatically-induced ATP luminescence
The purpose was development of a qualitative rapid method for determining microbiological contamination in sterile pharmaceutical products. The method for determining microbiological contamination in sterile pharmaceutical products is based on the use of the instrument Celsis Accel, which achieves a high level of sensitivity through bioluminescence ATP. This enables obtaining results regarding product sterility in a shorter time compared to the standard sterility test method. By preparing dilution series of test microorganisms, we have found high sensitivity to both bacterial and fungal cells. The instrument can detect bacterial concentrations at 480±45 CFU/ml and fungal concentrations at 35±18 CFU/ml. However, the method itself does not allow for the detection of bacterial spores nor bacterial endotoxins, which are important for a safe pharmaceutical product. The results of the analysis are influenced by the liquid growth medium used daily for the standard sterility test method. The light signal from the liquid medium can mask the light signal from the cells, resulting in a false negative result. The method in question, enables us to achive results in 6 days, which is 8 days faster than the standard method of sterility testing. This allows for a faster release of sterile pharmaceutical products to the market and thus faster delivery to patients.

Keywords:microbiological contamination, microbiological methods, bioluminescence ATP, Celsis Accel

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