
Predpomnjenje osvetlitve pri volumetričnem upodabljanju z difuzijo
ID Šmajdek, Uroš (Author), ID Bohak, Ciril (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lesar, Žiga (Comentor)

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Fizikalno osnovano upodabljanje volumetričnih podatkov je dandanes klju\-čne\-ga pomena v znanosti, medicini in mnogih industrijskih panogah, rešitve pa so pogosto neinteraktivne in platformno odvisne, kar omejuje njihovo uporabnost. V nalogi predstavimo združitev konceptov pretokovno-omejene difuzijske aproksimacije ter večmrežnega reševanja diferencialnih enačb, prek katerih dosežemo interaktivno simulacijo globalne osvetlitve neodvisno od položaja kamere. Metodo smo implementirali v spletni aplikaciji s pomočjo vmesnika WebGL 2.0 ter jo zmogljivostno in kvalitativno ovrednotili. Rezultati so pokazali, da večmrežna metoda močno pospeši hitrost konvergence, njeno večjo porabo pomnilnika pa lahko omilimo z predpomnjenjem v manjši ločljivosti. Medtem ko rezultati naše metode ne dosežejo kvalitete metode sledenja potem, nam difuzijska aproksimacija omogoča realnočasovno interakcijo s kamero ter v manj kompleksnih primerih tudi z osvetlitvijo in prenosno funkcijo.

Keywords:predpomnjenje osvetlitve, globalna osvetlitev, volumetrični podatki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-165020 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:170201603 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.11.2024
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Title:Illumination caching in volume rendering with diffusion
Physically based rendering of volumetric data plays a vital role in contemporary science, medicine, and various industries. However, existing solutions often suffer from non-interactivity and are platform-specific, constraining their practicality. In this study, we introduce a novel approach combining the principles of flux-limited diffusion approximation and multigrid method. This enables us to create an interactive global illumination simulation, regardless of the camera's position. We implemented this technique within a web application, leveraging the WebGL 2.0 interface, and conducted a performance and quality assessment. Our findings indicate that the multi-grid method significantly enhances convergence speed, and its increased memory consumption can be managed through lower resolution caching. While our approach may not match the quality achieved by path tracking methods, the diffusion approximation allows for real-time interaction with the camera, and, in less complex scenarios, facilitates real-time interaction with lighting and transfer functions.

Keywords:irradiance caching, global illumination, volumetric data

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