
Uvajanje informacijskega sistema v podjetju LIP Radomlje d.d. : diplomsko delo (visokošolski strokovni študij)
ID Mlakar, Martin (Author), ID Kropivšek, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Oblak, Leon (Reviewer)

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/11ef19c4-e152-4e8b-b44e-75babaf91729

Uvedba novega informacijskega sistema običajno ne pomeni samo posodobitev informacijskega sistema in tehnologije, ki je v uporabi, temveč prenovo in posodobitev celotnega poslovanja, spremembo razmišljanja in največkrat tudi drug način dela, kar pomeni, da morajo podjetja popolnoma spremeniti svoje strategije poslovanja. Prenova informacijskega sistema ima velik vpliv na poslovanje podjetja in je orodje, s katerim lahko podjetje pridobi konkurenčno prednost na trgu. Predstavili smo delovanje in vsebinske sklope (module) novega ERP PIS in njegovo uvajanje v podjetju LIP Radomlje. Opisali smo uvajanje materialnega dela in posebnega modula "Primarna", posebej razvitega za to podjetje. Pri uvajanju smo zasledili več ključnih dejavnikov uspeha, npr. podporo vodstva, predanost bodočih uporabnikov, primerne vire, dovolj časa za šolanje uporabnikov, pravilno prenovljene poslovne procese in sposobnost upravljanja sprememb. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je poleg tehničnega vidika uvajanja treba upoštevati tudi in predvsem psihološki vidik, saj vse spremembe pomembno vplivajo na zaposlene, njihovo delovanje in potrebo po novih znanjih.

Keywords:ERP, uvajanje novega sistema, PIS, LIP Radomlje
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Mlakar]
Number of pages:VII, 43 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-165 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1463177 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Introduction of an information system to LIP Radomlje d.d. Company : graduation thesis (higher professional studies)
The introduction of the new information system usually does not indicate only the modernization of the current information system and technology, but rather a renovation and modernization of the whole operation, a change in thinking and often also a different work method, which means that companies need to change their business strategies completely. Thesis describes the operation and modules of the new PIS information system and its introduction to Lip Radomlje Company. There is also a more detailed description of the introduction of the material work and a special module called "Primery", developed especially for Lip Radomlje. During the course of the introduction, several key factors for success, such as the management support, the dedication of future users, suitable sources, an adequate amount of time to train the users, properly modernized business process and a capacity for change management, were observed. It was found that apart from the technical aspect of the introduction the psychological aspect is necessary to be taken into account as all changes significantly affect the employees, their activities and the need for new skills.

Keywords:ERP, introduction of a new system, PIS, LIP Radomlje Company

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