The complex mother-daughter relationship has been recent years a subject of numerous psychological, sociological, and culture-study treatments. Their main discovery has been that this relationship is not unconditionally loving, sincere, trusting, but, rather, that between two women ther is often rivalry, anatgonism, and rejection. This relationship is supposedly one of the three elemetns of the female subjectivity. The analysis was based primarly on three literary texts of three different genres: tha antiutopic novel Filio ni doma (1990) by Berta Bojetu, the detective novel Cimre (1995) by Maja Novak, and the erotic novel Smrt slovenske primadone (2000) by Brina Švigelj Mérat. It showed that the motif is more common in the novels written by women, with the authors most often assuming the perspective of the daughter rather than the mother. Three faughters, i.e., Filio, Jana, and Lea, represnet three different relationships with their mothers, however, all of them are pathologically marked. While filio wa a complete stranger to her mother, as she was abandoned by her mother at birth, Jana and Lea grew up with mothers that all their lives sacrifieced themselves for their daughters' hapiness, butthey never made any effort to understnad their daughtes' desires and real needs. If the mothers' action in Filio's and Jana's case hase the characteristics of psychological abuse, it turns in Lea's case in the final phase into typical abuse, starvation, languishing, and death. Smrt slovenske primadone is also a novel in which the motif of the mother-daughter relationship is the main topic and is executed with the most radical consequences.