
Učinki plesno-gibalnega programa na posamezne vidike komunikacije, socialne interakcije in gibanja otrok in mladostnikov z motnjami v duševnem razvoju : doktorska disertacija
ID Bucik, Katja (Author), ID Smrtnik Vitulić, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Geršak, Vesna (Comentor)

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Sodobni trendi obravnave otrok in mladostnikov z motnjo v duševnem razvoju (MDR) poudarjajo pomen celostnega pristopa, ki zajema obravnavo in spodbujanje različnih področij njihovega razvoja. Terapevtska obravnava otrok in mladostnikov je bolj učinkovita, če jo izvajamo z gibanjem in z različnimi senzornimi procesi, kar velja tudi za otroke z MDR. V doktorski disertaciji so nas zanimali učinki celostnega intervencijskega plesno-gibalnega programa na posamezne vidike razvoja petih otrok/mladostnikov z MDR. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej opredelili MDR, pridruženost motenj ter diagnoze in podrobneje opisali značilnosti komunikacije, socialne interakcije, gibanja ter odstopanja v razvoju na omenjenih področjih. V nadaljevanju smo opredelili pomen spodbujanja gibanja za otrokov/mladostnikov celostni razvoj, opisali ples kot vrsto gibanja ter opredelili ustvarjalni gib kot celostni učni pristop. Pojasnili smo tudi pomen plesno-gibalne terapije oz. pomoči s plesno-gibalnimi dejavnostmi za otroke/mladostnike in se usmerili na Labanovo analizo gibanja. Povzeli smo tudi izsledke raziskav s področij komunikacije, socialne interakcije in gibanja pri otrocih/mladostnikih z MDR. Osnovni namen raziskave je bil preveriti učinke plesno-gibalnega programa na posamezne vidike komunikacije (vzpostavljanje in zadrževanje očesnega kontakta), socialne interakcije (stopnja socialne vključenosti, socialni profil) in gibanja (gibalni repertoar, kakovost zrcaljenja in imitacije gibalnih vzorcev druge osebe) pri otrocih/mladostnikih z MDR. V vzorec pričujoče raziskave smo zajeli pet otrok/mladostnikov z zmerno MDR, ki so bili stari od 11 do 12 let in so bili vključeni v Center za izobraževanje, rehabilitacijo in usposabljanje Vipava. Za vse vključene otroke/mladostnike z MDR je bila značilna lažja gibalna oviranost in zmerna ali težja govorno-jezikovna motnja. Med vključenimi otroki/mladostniki z MDR sta imela dva (eno dekle in en fant) diagnozo Downov sindrom, dva (eno dekle in en fant) diagnozo avtistične motnje in en fant diagnozo sindrom prekomerne rasti. Posamezne vidike komunikacije smo ugotavljali z avtorsko oblikovano opazovalno lestvico vzpostavljanja in zadrževanja očesnega kontakta, gibalne spretnosti/sposobnosti smo ugotavljali z avtorsko oblikovano opazovalno lestvico gibanja in s Preizkusom imitacije gibov (Bergès in Lézine, 1972). Kakovost socialne interakcije smo ugotavljali s preizkusom Socialni profil, ocena socialne vključenosti otrok, mladostnikov in odraslih (Donohue, 2013), zadovoljstvo s plesno-gibalnim programom pa z avtorsko oblikovano lestvico za vrednotenje zadovoljstva z dogajanjem. Za namen doktorskega dela smo oblikovali celostni plesno-gibalni program za spodbujanje različnih vidikov delovanja otrok/mladostnikov z MDR. V doktorski raziskavi nas je podrobneje zanimalo, kakšne so značilnosti vključenih otrok/mladostnikov z MDR na izbranih področjih komunikacije, socialne interakcije in gibanja pred izvedbo plesno-gibalnega programa, takoj po njegovi izvedbi in pol leta od zaključka izvedbe programa. Rezultati so pokazali, da je imelo vseh pet vključenih otrok/mladostnikov z MDR pred izvedbo programa težave na vseh izbranih področjih raziskovanja. Po izvedbi programa se je pri vseh petih otrocih/mladostnikih z MDR pokazalo izboljšanje vseh izbranih vidikov komunikacije, socialne interakcije in gibanja. Pol leta po zaključku programa so rezultati pri petih udeležencih programa na vseh treh merjenih področjih pokazali upad učinkov programa, a so posamezniki v splošnem dosegli boljše rezultate kot pred izvedbo programa. Iz celotne primerjave izbranih značilnosti udeležencev raziskave je v vseh treh časih merjenja (pred izvedbo programa, takoj po njegovi izvedbi in pol leta za tem) za vsa področja komunikacije in socialne interakcije razvidno, da sta si bila udeleženca z avtistično motnjo med sabo bolj podobna kot sta si bila udeleženca z diagnozo Downov sindrom, nobenemu od njih pa ni bil podoben udeleženec s sindromom prekomerne rasti. Iz rezultatov vseh treh merjenj za vsa področja gibanja je moč razbrati, da so se udeleženci raziskave z enako diagnozo med seboj bolj razlikovali kot udeleženci z različno. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali tudi, da so bili vsi udeleženci z izvedbo programa (zelo) zadovoljni. Rezultati raziskave omogočajo nova znanstvena spoznanja o različnih značilnostih otrok/mladostnikov z MDR na področjih komunikacije, socialne interakcije in gibanja. Predstavljen je tudi model za oblikovanje plesno-gibalnega programa za delo z osebami z MDR in načini, kako izmeriti njegove učinke na različnih področjih posameznikovega delovanja. Dobljeni rezultati omogočajo oblikovanje smernic za delo z otroki/mladostniki z MDR, ki vključuje tudi uporabo celostnega plesno-gibalnega programa.

Keywords:otroci z motnjami v duševnem razvoju, plesno-gibalni program, komunikacija, socialna interakcija, gibanje, ples
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:K. Bucik
Number of pages:369 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164859 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:215184387 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of Dance-Movement Programme on Different Aspects of Communication, Social Interaction and Movement of Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities
Modern trends in the treatment of children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities (ID) emphasise the importance of an integrated approach that encompasses the treatment and stimulation of various aspects of their development. Therapeutic treatment of children and adolescents, including those with ID, is more effective when carried out using movement and various sensory processes. This doctoral dissertation aims to examine the effects of a dance-movement intervention programme on different aspects of development in five children and adolescents with ID. In the theory section, we first defined the ID, associated disorders and diagnoses of each child or adolescent, and described in detail their characteristics in communication, social interaction, and movement, as well as the developmental disorders in these areas. We then defined the importance of encouraging movement for the holistic development of the child or adolescent, described dance as a type of movement, and finally defined the creative movement as an integrated teaching approach. We explained the significance of dance-movement therapy for children and adolescents with ID and focused on the Laban movement analysis. We summarised the research findings in the areas of communication, social interaction, and movement in children and adolescents with ID. The main intent of the study was to analyze the effects of a dance-movement programme on various aspects of communication (establishing and maintaining eye contact), social interaction (level of social inclusion, social profile), and movement (movement repertoire, quality of mirroring and imitation of movement patterns of other people) in children and adolescents with ID. The sample used in this research consisted of five children and adolescents, aged 11 to 12, with moderate ID, who were included in the Vipava Centre for Education and Rehabilitation. All the participants had a mild motor impairment and a moderate or severe speech-language impairment. Two of the participants (one girl, one boy) were diagnosed with Down syndrome, while the other two (one girl, one boy) were diagnosed with an autisem, and one boy was diagnosed with overgrowth syndrome. Different aspects of communication were assessed using an Observation Scale of Establishing and Maintaining Eye Contact designed by the author. Motor skills and abilities were assessed using a Movement Observation Scale and the Movement Imitation Test designed by the author (Bergès and Lézine, 1972). The quality of social interaction was measured using the Social Profile, Assessment of Social Participation in Children, Adolescents, and Adults (Donohue, 2013), and the satisfaction with the dance-movement programme using a Satisfaction with Activity Evaluation Scale designed by the author. Specifically for the present study, we developed an integrated dance-movement programme, to encourage various aspects of development of children and adolescents with ID. In this doctoral study, we were particularly interested in the characteristics shown by the children and adolescents with ID in the selected areas of communication, social interaction, and movement prior to the dance-movement programme, immediately after its completion, and six months later. The results show that all five children and adolescents with ID had difficulties in all of the selected areas that were the subject of research. After the programme was completed, all five children and adolescents with ID demonstrated improvement in all examined aspects, i.e., communication, social interaction, and movement. Six months after the programme, the results for the five programme participants in all three domains measured showed some decline in the programme's effects, but overall the individuals performed better than before the programme. A comprehensive comparison of selected characteristics of the study participants shows that at all three measurement times (before the programme, immediately after its completion, and six months later), in the aspects of communication and social interaction, the two participants with autism were more similar to each other than to the two participants diagnosed with Down syndrome, and none of them were similar to the participant diagnosed with overgrowth syndrome. However, the results obtained at three different measurement times in relation to the movement test show that differences were bigger among the participants with the same diagnosis than among participants with different diagnoses. Research results show that all of the participants were very satisfied with the programme. The results of the research provide new scientific insight into the various characteristics of children and adolescents with ID in areas of communication, social interaction, and movement. We have also presented a model for designing a dance-movement programme for people with ID and ways to measure its effects on various areas of an individual’s functioning. Based on these results, guidelines for working with children and adolescents with ID, which include the use of the integrated dance-movement programme, can be made.

Keywords:children with mental disabilities, dance-movement programme, communication, social interaction, movement

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