
Življenje s poporodno depresijo - študija primera : diplomsko delo
ID Mihelač Hrastnik, Pia (Author), ID Lebar, Cecilija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Plemelj Mohorič, Alenka (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Poporodna depresija je oblika duševne motnje, ki prizadene kar 10–15 % žensk, ki so rodile, in se pojavi v obdobju do enega leta po rojstvu otroka. Delovna terapija lahko ima ključno vlogo pri obravnavi mamic pred porodom ter ob pojavu poporodne depresije. Za kakovostno obravnavo je pomembno poznati izkušnje mamic s poporodno depresijo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati, kakšno je življenje s poporodno depresijo. Metode dela: Raziskava je bila opravljena v obliki singularne študije primera. Podatke smo zbirali s pomočjo polstrukturiranega intervjuja. Intervjuvali smo mamico s poporodno depresijo in njeno mamo. Podatke smo analizirali tako, da so nam glavne teme intervjuja predstavljale kategorije, v katere smo razvrsti vsebino intervjujev. Rezultati: Mamica se je po postavljeni diagnozi soočala z negativnimi čustvi ter pomanjkanjem informacij o bolezni, kar je slabo vplivalo na njeno situacijo. Z raziskovanjem po svetovnem spletu in prebiranjem različne literature je poglobila znanje in poznavanje poporodne depresije, njenih dejavnikov tveganja in simptomov. Prišlo je do sprememb v načinu življenja, okupacijah in vlogah. Ni se znašla v novi vlogi mamice, na kar je še dodatno vplivala poporodna depresija. Povezanost z otrokom ji ni bila primarna skrb. Zaradi bolezni se je družinska dinamika med člani družine zelo spremenila, vse je videla negativno in vsako pomoč ter nasvet jemala preveč osebno, kot vsiljevanje mnenja. Velik izziv je predstavljal odnos s partnerjem, ki je bil ob prihodu dojenčice postavljen na stranski tir. Veliko okupacij, ki jih je imela pred porodom, je po porodu zanemarila, kamor sodita skrb zase, druženje s prijatelji in družino. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da sta v tem primeru soočanje z depresijo že pred zanositvijo in slaba porodna izkušnja prispevala k razvoju poporodne depresije. Prišlo je do zavračanja otroka, poslabšanja odnosa s partnerjem, družino in prijatelji. Mamica je začela čustveno nazadovati, kar se je odrazilo na področju skrbi zase, produktivnosti, prostega časa ter dela. V tem primeru je ključnega pomena povezava med osebo, okupacijo in okoljem, saj so vsi med sabo tesno povezani in se prepletajo v smiselno celoto, brez katere človek ne more smiselno in kakovostno delovati.

Keywords:diplomska dela, delovna terapija, duševno zdravje, poporodne motnje, kvalitativna raziskava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Mihelač Hrastnik]
Number of pages:28 str., [6] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164857 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:214910723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Living with postpartum depression - case study : diploma work
Introduction: Postpartum depression is a form of mental disorder that affects 10-15% of women who have given birth and occurs within a period of up to one year after the birth of a child. Occupational therapy can play a key role in the treatment of mothers before childbirth and in the occurrence of postpartum depression. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to explore what life is like with postpartum depression. Methods: The research was conducted in the form of a singular case study. We collected data through a semi-structured interview. We interviewed a mom with postpartum depression and her mom. Results: After the diagnosis, the mother faced negative emotions and a lack of information about the disease itself, which had a bad effect on her situation. By researching the Internet and reading various literature, she deepened her knowledge and understanding of postpartum depression, its risk factors and symptoms. There have been changes in lifestyles, occupations, and roles. She did not find herself in her new role as a mother, which was further affected by postpartum depression. Connecting with her child was not her primary concern. As a result of the disease, the family dynamics between the family members changed a lot, she saw everything negatively, and took any help and advice too personally and as an imposition of opinion. A big challenge was the relationship with the partner, which was put on the back burner when the baby arrived. She neglected many of the occupations she had before giving birth, which included taking care of herself, socializing with friends and family. Discussion and conclusion: We found out that in this case, postpartum depression occurred due to a poor birth experience and coping with depression even before conception. There was rejection of the child and, as a result, postpartum depression, a deterioration in the relationship with her partner, family and friends. The person began to regress emotionally, affecting the areas of self-care, productivity, leisure, and work. In this case, the connection between the person, the occupation and the environment is crucial, because they are all closely interconnected and intertwined into a meaningful whole, without which a person cannot function meaningfully and qualitatively.

Keywords:diploma theses, occupational therapy, mental health, postpartum disorders, qualitative research

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