
Aplikacija za trgovanje s kriptovaluto bitcoin na podlagi drsečih povprečij
ID MARKOČIČ, MIHA (Author), ID Ciglarič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je ustvariti trgovalnega robota, ki pri trgovanju z digitalnima valutama bitcoin in tether uporablja vrednosti drsečega povprečja obeh valut in pri tem ustvarja dobiček. Robot se bo posluževal kripto menjalnice Binance za prejemanje vhodnih informacij in kasnejše trgovanje. Algoritem je zasnovan na analizi svečnega grafa vrednosti bitcoina. Najprej bomo izdelali uporabniški vmesnik za analizo preteklih razmerij med bitcoin in tether, ki bo na podlagi različnih vrednosti drsečih povprečij izračunal dobiček ali izgubo v določenem časovnem obdobju. S tem bomo pridobili optimalne podatke, ki jih bomo kasneje uporabili v konfiguraciji trgovalnega robota.

Keywords:trgovanje, kriptovalute, API vmesniki, drseˇca povpreˇcja.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164846 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202374659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Trading Application Based on Moving Averages
The purpose of this thesis is to create a trading robot that uses the moving average values of the two digital currencies, bitcoin and tether, to trade and generate profit. The robot will utilise the Binance cryptocurrency exchange for receiving input information and subsequent trading. The algorithm is based on the analysis of the candlestick chart of bitcoin value. First, we will create a user interface for analysing past ratios between bitcoin and tether, which will calculate profit or loss based on different moving average values over a specified period. This will provide us with optimal data that will later be used in the configuration of the trading robot.

Keywords:Trading, Cryptocurrencies, API Interfaces, Moving Averages.

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