
Razvoj in poznavanje geometrijskega mišljenja v predšolskem obdobju : magistrsko delo
ID Černe, Maša (Author), ID Hodnik, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Razvoj geometrijskega mišljenja je pomemben za celosten razvoj otroka, saj vpliva na različne vidike kognitivnih, matematičnih in prostorskih sposobnosti ter spodbuja raziskovanje in razumevanje sveta okoli sebe. Geometrijsko mišljenje je način razmišljanja, ki se osredotoča na razumevanje oblik, prostora in odnosov med objekti v prostoru. To zajema, poleg spoznavanja geometrijskih oblik in izrazov, tudi urjenje v prostorskem predstavljanju, logičnem mišljenju, sklepanju, spominu in reševanju problemov. Teoretični del magistrske naloge predstavlja opis razvoja geometrijskega mišljenja pri otroku. Na začetku teoretičnega dela naloge sta razjasnjena pojma evklidske in neevklidske geometrije ter umeščenost geometrije v kurikulumu za vrtce in v učnem načrtu za osnovno šolo. V nadaljevanju so v povezavi z razvojem geometrijskega mišljenja predstavljene vodilne tri teorije o razvoju geometrijskega mišljenja. Najprej je predstavljena teorija razvoja sposobnosti prostorskih predstav po Piagetu, ki jo je avtor oblikoval na osnovi analize odgovorov otrok na določena vprašanja, pri čemer se je osredotočil predvsem na napačne odgovore. Poleg Piagetove teorije je opisana še temeljna teorija zakoncev van Hiele, ki sta prav tako raziskovala razvoj geometrijskega mišljenja. Kot zadnja teorija je v magistrskem delu predstavljena teorija Raymonda Duvala in njegov model treh kognitivnih procesov za učenje in razumevanje geometrije pri učencih: vizualizacija, konstrukcije in sklepanje. V empiričnem delu naloge smo izvedli raziskavo, s katero smo skušali ugotoviti, kakšne so razlike v geometrijskem mišljenju pri predšolskih otrocih. V raziskavi smo z izvajanjem vnaprej pripravljenih dejavnostih s področja geometrije raziskovali, kako se otroci različnih starosti v izbranem vrtcu odzivajo na geometrijske naloge, predvsem povezane z geometrijskimi liki. Vključili smo otroke stare od 3 do 6 let in jih glede na starost razvrstili v tri starostne skupine. Z analizo podatkov smo prišli do spoznanj, kakšne so razlike v geometrijskem mišljenju glede na njihovo starost. Analizirali smo razlike pri prepoznavanju in razvrščanju geometrijskih likov, risanju in prerisovanju geometrijskih likov in besednem opisovanju geometrijskih likov. Rezultati raziskave omogočajo vpogled v otrokovo zmožnost razumevanja geometrije pri določeni starosti. To lahko pripomore k oblikovanju spodbudnega okolja, ki otroku omogoča optimalni razvoj geometrijskega mišljenja.

Keywords:matematika, geometrijski liki, prostorske predstave, predšolski otrok, geometrijsko mišljenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Černe
Number of pages:83 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164756 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:214611203 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Developing and Understanding Geometric Thinking in the Preschool Years
The development of geometric thinking is important for the overall development of a child, as it influences various aspects of cognitive, mathematical, and spatial abilities, while also encouraging exploration and understanding of the world around them. Geometric thinking is a way of thinking that focuses on understanding shapes, space, and the relationships between objects in space. In addition to learning about geometric shapes and terms, it also involves training in spatial visualization, logical thinking, reasoning, memory, and problem-solving. The theoretical part of the master's thesis presents a description of the development of geometric thinking in children. At the beginning of the theoretical section, the concepts of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry are clarified, along with the placement of geometry in the kindergarten curriculum and the elementary school curriculum. The following sections, related to the development of geometric thinking, present three leading theories on the development of geometric thinking. First, Piaget's theory of the development of spatial representation abilities is presented, which the author developed based on an analysis of children's responses to certain questions, focusing primarily on incorrect answers. In addition to Piaget's theory, the fundamental theory of the van Hiele couple, who also researched the development of geometric thinking, is described. The final theory presented in the thesis is Raymond Duval's theory and his model of three cognitive processes for learning and understanding geometry in students: visualization, construction, and reasoning. In the empirical part of the thesis, we conducted research to investigate the differences in geometric thinking among preschool children. Through pre-prepared activities in the field of geometry, we explored how children of different ages in a selected kindergarten respond to geometric tasks, particularly those related to geometric shapes. We included children aged 3 to 6 years and divided them into three age groups. Data analysis provided insights into the differences in geometric thinking based on their age. We analyzed differences in the recognition and categorization of geometric shapes, drawing and redrawing geometric shapes, and verbal descriptions of geometric shapes. The research results offer insight into a child's ability to understand geometry at a certain age. This can contribute to creating an encouraging environment that allows children to optimally develop geometric thinking.

Keywords:mathematics, geometric shapes, spatial representations, preschool child, geometric thinking

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